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Journal and Correspondence of the Council of Maryland, 1780-1781
Volume 45, Page 468   View pdf image (33K)
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468 Proceedings and Correspondence

June 9
Liber No. 78
p. 183

Patowmack, among which was a large Ship as high as Blackstones
Island. We wish to have the State Boat down the Bay on the look
out but are prevented from the want of Men, Capt Middleton has
been three or four Days past endeavouring to procure a sufficient
Number on Hire without Effect. We therefore shall take it as a par-
ticular Favor if you will furnish him with eight Soldiers to enable
him to proceed down the Bay.


[Council to Capt. Middleton.]

You are hereby directed immediately to proceed down the Bay at
least as far as the lower End of poplar Island and to keep a constant
look out to discover the Enemy. You are to remain below until you
make Discoveries which you may think ought to be communicated to
us or receive our Directions to return, for which Purpose when
necessary a boat will be dispatched to you.


[Council to Francis Ware, Esqr.]

In Consequence of the Information contained in yours of yester-
day, we have ordered the Select Militia, the Troops of Horse, four
hundred of the Militia of Montgomery and five hundred from Fred-
erick to rendezvous at George Town, St. Mary's we leave to defend
their County and four hundred from Prince Georges are to march
wherever they may be wanted. We request you immediately to order

p. 184

four hundred of the Charles County Militia under proper Officers to
be collected armed and stationed at the most advantageous Posts
for Defence, if the Enemy attempt to land in your County, but should
you receive Intelligence of their being landed or about to land in
either of the adjoining Counties, you will immediately march such
Parts of your Militia as may be necessary to that place so as to assist
in repelling the Enemy without waiting for our further Orders.
See the Post Script about the Companies and number of officers in
the circular letter.


[Council to Thomas Richardson, Esqr.]

The Troops of light Horse and other Militia are ordered im-
mediately to George Town, if you have not a sufficient Quantity of
Forage to supply them, we request you will immediately procure it
on the best Terms you can and in the most expeditious Manner.


[Council to Capt. Nicholas R. Moore.]

Yours of the 7th Instant we have received, the necessary Forage
&ca will be provided before you reach George Town. Mr Ridley is
appointed Adjutant to the Troops of light Horse ordered into Ser-
vice, and we have enclosed you a blank Warrant for a Quarter Master,
which you will fill up as appears to you proper, you are also em-

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Journal and Correspondence of the Council of Maryland, 1780-1781
Volume 45, Page 468   View pdf image (33K)
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