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Journal and Correspondence of the Council of Maryland, 1780-1781
Volume 45, Page 469   View pdf image (33K)
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of the Council of Maryland. 469

powered to hire a Smith on the most reasonable Tearms you can
obtain one, to attend the several Corps of light Horse.

June g
Liber No. 78
p. 184

[Council Circular to Lieuts Frederick and Washington Counties.]

Enclosed you have Warrants to apprehend Henry Newcomer of
Washington County, Fritchy of Frederick Town. Kelly of Frederick
County Bleachy of Washington and Tinkles near Kelly, whose going
at large we have the strongest reason to believe from the Information
of Capt Orendorff is dangerous and may be detrimental to the State.
The Capt. intends to have another Interview with them and converse
fully on the Subject; he thinks they repose the utmost Confidence in
him and will disclose all their Views and mention the Names of the


principal Persons concerned in the Plot. If you think no bad Conse-
quence will arise from your delaying to execute the warrants, we
would have you do it, till the fullest Information can be obtained
otherwise we would have them taken into Custody immediately and
sent down, we wish you would see Capt. Orendorff and talk with him.

: p. 185

[Council Circular to Commissaries of St. Mary's, Prince George's
and Charles Counties.]

You will discover in perusing the enclosed Act that we are em-
powered and requested to order the Commissaries of those Counties
most easily approachable by the Enemy what Stock may be in
Danger of falling into their Hands if such Purchase cannot be
effected to order a Seizure, and several Parts of your County being
in our Opinion much exposed to the Enemy, we hereby authorise
and direct you to purchase one hundred Beef Cattle in those
Parts of your County which are most exposed to the Ravages of
the Enemy and in Case the owners of the Stock will not consent to
sell them, we direct you to seize them and pursue the particular
Directions of the Act when a Seizure is made. If the Number of the
Stock in exposed Places should exceed what we have directed you tc
purchase or seize you will apply to the Lieut to oblige the Owners to
drive them out of the reach of the Enemy. You will have the Cattle
purchased and seized drove by a safe Route to George Town in
Montgomery County and there delivered to Mr Thomas Beall Assis-
tant Commissary to Mr Richardson


[Council Circular to Lieuts. of Prince George's and
Washington Counties.]

By Information received from the Lieutenant of Charles County
of a Number of Vessels standing up the River Patowmack which
in all Probability [are] the Enemy from James River to cooperate
with the Army under Lord Cornwallis. It has become necessary that
a Number of the Militia be immediately collected and stationed at the


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Journal and Correspondence of the Council of Maryland, 1780-1781
Volume 45, Page 469   View pdf image (33K)
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