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Journal and Correspondence of the Council of Maryland, 1780-1781
Volume 45, Page 467   View pdf image (33K)
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of the Council of Maryland. 467

Saturday 9 June 1781

Ordered that the Issuing Commissary deliver to Lieut. John Carr '.
of the 3d Regimt two Gallons of Rum and eight pounds of Sugar
and also to Capt Christian Orendorff of the 6th Regimt thirty four
Gallons of Rum and one hundred and thirty six pounds of Sugar
Stores due to the 1st Instant
That the Commissary of Stores deliver to Capt. Christian Oren-
dorff Cloth and Trimmings for a suit of Cloaths and Linen for four
shirts due him for the year 1780.
Commission issued to Matthew Ridley Esqr appointed adjutant to
the Troops of Light Horse raised in this State and now ordered
into Actual Service.
Mr Lyde Goodwin is hereby appointed Surgeon and William King
Quarter Master of the Troops of Horse raised in this State and now
ordered into actual Service.
Whereas from Information given this Board have good reason to
believe that Henry Newcomer and Bleachy of Washington
County and Fritchy Kelly and Tinckles of
Frederick County are disaffected and Dangerous Persons whose go-
ing at Large may be detrimental to the State. The Lieutenant of
Washington is therefore ordered to arrest Henry Newcomer and
Bleachy and the Lieutenant of Frederick to arrest Fritchy Kelly and
Tinckles without delay and have them before the Board forthwith
that they may be dealt with according to Law.

June 9
Liber C. B.
No. 24
p. 92

[Council to Commissary of St. Mary's County. ]

We request you will procure some Whiskey or Brandy for the
Militia of St. Mary's County, to be delivered out to them in small
Quantities when called into actual Service, and only at Such Times
as the Lieutenant of the County may think it absolutely necessary.

June 9
Liber No. 78
p. 182

[Council Circular to Lieuts of Prince Georges, Montgomery and
Frederick Counties.]

We have received Information from the Lieutenant of Charles
County that a Number of the Vessels of the Enemy are standing up
Patowmack and we have great reason to conjecture they meditate an


Attack against George Town or some of the upper parts of this State,
which render it necessary to renew on Orders we gave you in our
Letter of the 4th Instant, you will therefore consider them as the
subsisting orders of this Board and march the Men with the utmost
Expedition to George Town subject to our further Order.

p. 183

[Council to Colo Adams.]

By Express from Colo Ware of Charles County, we learn that
several Sail of Vessels were seen on yesterday standing up the River


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Journal and Correspondence of the Council of Maryland, 1780-1781
Volume 45, Page 467   View pdf image (33K)
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