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Journal and Correspondence of the Council of Maryland, 1780-1781
Volume 45, Page 466   View pdf image (33K)
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466 Proceedings and Correspondence

Liber C. B.

No. 24
P. 9i

Lieut. Benjamin Ricketts Ens. Caleb Alexander Capt in the room of
Samuel Gilpin, Benjamin Miller 1st Lieut Lewis Bouldin 2d Lieut
John Corry Campbell Ens. William Scott Capt in the room of Samuel
Maffet, Alexander Wilson 1st Lieut. James Johnson 2d Lieut. David
Barr Ens. Hezekiah South Capt. in the room of Andrew Miller,
George Alexander 1st Lieut. James Coughran, John Evans Ens.
James Mackey Capt in the room of Hezekiah South Thomas Gille-
land 1st Lieut. Daniel Job 2d Lieut. Isaac Hall Ens. Samuel Gilpin
Capt. in the room of John Oglevie Samuel McCown I Lf John Jones
2d Lt John Coughran Ens. John Oglevie Capt. in the room of Jona
Booth, Richd Bond, jr I Lt Elisha Rogers 2d Lt James Bogs Ens.
Abraham Cazier Capt. Jacob Lunn i Lt Harman Arrints 2d Isaac
Holt Ens. belons to the Elk Batt of Militia in Cecil County.

June 8
Liber C. B.

No. 24

p. 92

Friday 8 June 1781

Commission issued to William Shircliff appointed Ensign of Capt
Hezekiah Wheelers Company of Select Militia raised in Prince
Georges County.
Thomas Wall is hereby permitted to exhibit Theatrical Perfor-
Ordered that the Commissary of Stores deliver to Capt Gilbert
Middleton for the Plater as much Canvas as is necessary to alter the
Ringtail and twine sufficient to make the Alteration.
Whereas it appears to this Board from the Representation of
John Barnes Esqr that William Gibbons late of the State of Georgia
was driven from thence by the Enemy and has settled in this State,
that he has taken the Oath of Allegiance to the State of Georgia and
done every thing that a good Citizen could do in support of his
County, the said William Gibbons has the Approbation of this Board
to settle in this State.
Robert Culver drafted from the Militia of Harford County ap-
peared before the Board and having produced a Memorial from
several of the Inhabitants of the said County and a Certificate from
Doctr James Murray of this City of his being incapable of Military
Duty having had a fracture of his Leg near the Ankle which has
been improperly reduced, is therefore discharged from the service
for which he was Drafted.

June 9
Liber No. 78
p. 182

[Council to Colo. Richard Dallam.]

We received your's by Culver and have given him a Discharge.
We cannot give any opinion with respect to your Proceedings with
the Class more than to collect the Money we expect the General
Assembly will take up the Business respecting the Draughts, should
they, you may depend on hearing from us.

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Journal and Correspondence of the Council of Maryland, 1780-1781
Volume 45, Page 466   View pdf image (33K)
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