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Journal and Correspondence of the Council of Maryland, 1780-1781
Volume 45, Page 465   View pdf image (33K)
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of the Council of Maryland. 465

his Force, if he should move towards George Town so rapidly that
the Provisions would be in Danger, if you waited for our Directions,

you will take every precaution for their Safety, apply to a Magistrate
of Frederick and Prince Georges County for a power to impress in
those Counties what Waggons Carts Teams and Drivers may be

June 6
Liber No. 78

necessary to make up a sufficient Number for removing the whole
to different places fourteen or fifteen Miles into some safe part of the
County at a Distance from any public road. As you have not Arms
for the Militia, and their Assistance may not be wanted immediately,
we have thought proper to countermand so much of our Order as
respects the Militia at large. You will deliver the recruits and
Draughts raised in your County to the officers appointed by Colo
Adams to receive and take Charge of them their Cloathing will be
delivered to them as soon as they get here, and their unwillingness to
march must not be regarded. We have a hundred Stand of Arms
here, which we want repaired immediately and Mr Bailey informs
us Mr Yest of your Town will repair them, and we request you will
send down a Waggon for them immediately all Accounts against the
Continent to be first paid by the State must be adjusted by the Auditor
before they can be paid.

p. 182

Thursday 7th June 1781

Ordered that the Commissary of Stores deliver to Lieut James

John Skinner facings for a Coat he having received an Order for
them some time past which was not complied with.
An order of the 23d of August 1780 on the Collector of the Tax
for Kent County in favor of Abraham Falconer for ten thousand
pounds is returned unpaid
Commissions issued to Henry Coursey appointed Capt in the room
of Richard B. Carmichael Benjamin Bunbury 1st Lieut Edward
Thomas 2nd Lieutenant and William Diamond Ens. belonging to the
20th Battalion of Militia and also to Matthew Hawkins appointed
Capt in the room of Vincent Benton Edmond Fenalt 1st Lieut.
William Dudley 2nd Lieut Joseph Gould Ensign. Joseph Gafford
Ensign of Capt. Richard Holdings Company. James Thompson Capt
in the room of Thomas Seager. James Holding 1st Lieut. William
Thompson 2d Lieut Aquila Fog-well Ens. Bexley Newman Capt. in
the room of Thomas Price, Samuel Walls 1st Lieut. John Sands Ens.
James Massey 2d Lieut. Eliazer Massey Ens. of Capt. William Fal-
coner Compy. John Young Keene Capt. in the room of Samuel Ridge-
way, Thomas Casson 1st Lieut and James Baynard Ensign belonging
to the Fifth Battalion of Militia in Queen A. County also to Henry
Hollingsworth appointed Colo in the room of Edward Parker, Saml
Evans Lt Colo Samuel Maffet Major. David Ricketts Capt in the
room of Sam. Evans, Ebenezer Booth 1 Lieut. James McGuire 2d

June 7
Liber C. B.
No. 24
p. 91

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Journal and Correspondence of the Council of Maryland, 1780-1781
Volume 45, Page 465   View pdf image (33K)
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