of the Council of Maryland. 377
As the Mode of Defence, that will rest with you who are on the Spot,
and not with [us ?] at this Place; Mr Donnellan is appointed to
recruits from Baltimore and Harford Counties. In Answer to yours
of the 2d Instant, we can only say it certainly is your Duty to be pre-
pared against any Attempt the Enemy may think proper to make. We
presume you have the Proportion of Arms and Accoutrements for
your County; Artillery we can not supply you with you are to apply to
Mr Calhoun who will supply you with Salt It is indispensably neces-
sary that the Flour should be removed to a Place of the utmost
Security we conceive Property of such public Utility and Value in
such iminent Danger as you make mention of should not be delayed
a Moment from a removal, which we desire you will do as soon as
you possibly can and hope in Future you may not wait the Directions
of this Board in like Cases, we consent to suspend the Draught in
Harford until 1st Day of May.
April 4
Liber No. 78
p. 108
[Council to Mr. Poe.]
We are still in Want of Flour and shall be obliged to you to con-
tinue to send until further Orders, and particularly by the Waggons
you may impress and forward to the Head of Severn
Thursday 5th April 1781
Ordered that the western shore Treasurer pay to George P. Kee-
ports six hundred pounds on Account.
That the said Treasurer pay to Benjamin Stoddert Esqr five hun-
dred pounds Continental Currency in part of an Order drawn by
Major Genl Gates in favor of Colo Thomas Polk dated the 14th of
August 1780 for one hundred thousand pounds Lawful Money of
That the said Treasurer pay to William Kilty of the 5th Regimt ten
pounds thirteen shillings due him per Account passed by the Aud.
That the Issuing Commissary deliver to the said William Kilty
sixteen Gallons of Rum and forty eight pounds of sugar due him to
the 1st Inst
April 5
Liber C. B.
No. 24
p. 67
[Council to Richard Barnes, Esqr.]
We wrote you yesterday to which we refer since which we have
received yours of the 3d Instant; we think the Number of Horses
mentioned in our last fully sufficient, the extra Number of Cartridge
Boxes with such a Quantity of Powder as you may think necessary
shall be sent with the Arms, enclosed is an order on Capt Ford to
supply Provisions for the Militia on your Order
April 5
Liber No, 78
p. 109