376 Proceedings and Correspondence
Liber No. 78
p. 107
[Council to Capt. Warfield.]
We request you to send down four Barrels of Cannon Powder and
three Chests of Arms Nos 4, 5 and 8, also one Box of Cartridges
No 56
[Council to Col. Barnes.]
Your's of the 25 Uls is received, we are fully sensible of the NeceS-
fifty there is of your being supplied with a further Number of Arms,
but it is out of our Power to convey them to you, the Navigation
being impeded by the Enemy's Vessels off the Harbour and all the
Carriages in the Vicinity of this Place impressed for the Transpor-
tation of the Stores &ca of the Detachment under the Marquis
Fayette; we will furnish Seventy Stand of Arms the Number you
require on your sending for them, we coincide in opinion with you
that Horse would be of singular Service and are lead to believe so
from what has been experienced in Kent County on the Eastern
Shore wherewith only four or five Horse they have prevented the
Enemy from committing any Depredations and the Negroes from
going to them, you will therefore employ thirty Horse, which we think
will be competent to the Purpose.
[Council to Mr. Patrick Sim Smith.]
We have received your Letter of the 22d March with the Returns
of Provisions
p. 108
There is a continual and pressing Demand for Meat Provisions
wherefore you will without Delay send off all the Cattle, you have
on the Hoof up to the Place, and your Salt Provisions by water up
Patuxent to upper Marlbro to the Care of Mr John Smith Brookes.
We wrote to you some Time since with warrant to procure a Quantity
of flesh Provisions, this you must continue and increase the Quantity
to twenty thousand weight with your utmost Vigilance the Directions
for removing the salt Provisions were given from an Apprehension
they might be in Danger from the Enemy, but if they are in Places of
Safety it will be unnecessary to remove them.
[Council to Richard Dallam, Esqr.]
The Commissions requested by yours of the 2 1st Ult. we herewith
send you. The Laws are not printed, therefore it is not in our Power
to send them. You are Commissary of the County to supply what
Provisions you stand in Need of for the Militia called into Service;
but in all Probability each Man will not be on Duty more than a Day
or two, at a Time, and if they would furnish themselves with as much
Provisions as will serve them for the Time they are in Service, they
may hereafter make a Return to the State, which shall be repaid.