of the Council of Maryland. 375
better opportunity to effect it. Col Rawlings and Mr Murdock will
continue their Exertions to procure Provisions as far as it is neces-
sary, and we have ordered a Quantity of Cattle and some Salt Pro-
visions from Prince George's County for your Supply, though the
Troops here lay us under considerable Difficulties to Supply them, we
would with Pleasure lend you some Money but in Truth our Treasury
is at present empty and therefore it is not in our Power
April 3
Liber No. 78
p. 106
[Council to Thomas Sprigg, Esqr.]
The Convention Troops at Frederick Town are ordered by this
Board to Fort Frederick. Col. Wood who has the Charge of them has
applied to us for a Guard of Militia which we desire you to furnish
on his Request on Application to us we will order a Relief from the
Militia of Frederick County
p. 107
[Council to Capt Gilbert Middleton.]
You will proceed with the Fleet under Commodore Nicholson up
the River Severn whenever he may think it necessary.
Wednesday 4th April 1781
Ordered that the western shore Treasurer pay to Benjamin Stod-
dert two pounds ten Shillings to be delivered over to Christopher
Lowndes due him per Account passed by the Aud. Genl
That the said Treasurer pay to William Kilty Surgeon of the 6th
Regimt who was taken prisoner in Carolina Fifty pounds agreeable
to a Resolution of the General Assembly
That the said Treasurer pay to Major Levin Winder of the Ist
Regimt eighty nine pounds fourteen Shillings and nine pence and also
fifty pounds in lieu of orders on the Eastern shore Treasurer
April 4
Liber C. B.
No. 24
p. 66
That the said Treasurer pay to Jas Maccubbin one hundred & four
pounds due him as Cl[erk] to the Sen [ate] from the 1st Novemr to
1st Ins'
Ordered that the western shore Treasurer pay to Lieut John Kilty
of Baylors Corps late a Prisoner fifty pounds agreeable to a Reso-
lution of the Genl Assembly on Accot
That the Armourer deliver to the Officer appointed by Genl Small-
wood seventy two Muskets with Accoutrements complete and twenty
four rounds of Cartridges to be accounted for.
Commissions issued to John Day Junr appointed Capt in the room
of Samuel Groome Osborne, George B. Presbury first Lieut & Joseph
Presbury Junr Ens. in the 8th Batt of Militia, also to Aaron Grace
Capt in the room of Syrus Osborne David Thompson first Lieut in
the 23d Battalion of Militia in Harford County.
p. 67