April 3
Liber No. 78
P. 105
english to our Bay. The two english Ships continue off our Harbour.
By certain Intelligence from the Southward Cornwallis suffered
severely although he kept the field and took four Pieces of Cannon,
yet in a Day or two he retired towards Cross Creek leaving our Sick
at Guilford Court House and his own at new Garden about Seventy,
recommended to General Greenes Mercy.
April 3
p. 106
Liber No. 78
[Council to Col. James Wood.]
We have received your Letter of the 30th Ult. with the Instructions
of the Board of War respecting the Convention Troops, a Copy of
which we had before been furnished with. By the Resolution of
Congress those Troops were possitively to be removed into Pensyl-
vania and we gave Directions accordingly for a Guard to escort them,
we expected they were out of this State agreeable to that resolution,
it is therefore disagreeable and distressing to see that order rescinded
and for us to be called on anew to secure and provide for them, ex-
pressing contrary to the Inclination and Directions of our Assembly.
However from the Exigency of the Case, we have determined that
the Convention Troops be sent under your Directions with such an
Escort as may be necessary to Fort Frederick, and that that Place
be put in the best Condition in every Shape for their reception. Col.
Rawlings will give his Attention to the Completion of these or any
orders you may find necessary to answer the Purposes intended. We
expect that the walls of Fort Frederick are perfect and the Gates that
the Houses and Barracks are also in Repair if they are not they must
be made so with every other Conveniency, and there cannot be a