290 Proceedings and Correspondence
January 27
Liber C. B.
No. 24
p. 37
Ordered that the western shore Treasurer pay to John Mills one
hundred Pounds and twenty nine hhds of Tobacco at St. Mary's
Warehouse in 1780 to be delivered over to Joseph Ford Commissary
of St. Mary's County on Acct
That the Issuing Commissary deliver to Nathaniel Shepard five
Galls Rum and five Days rations for ten hands.
January 27
Liber No. 78
p. 44
[Council to Mr. Joseph Ford.]
You will have enclosed the Notes of twenty Nine Hogsheads of
Tobacco, of the Year eighty, weight 27.626 Net Proceeds, which we
hope will be adequate to your Demands. You may continue to pur-
chase Corn, at least as far as the Amount of the Tobacco will extend.
We have furnished the Bearer, with one hundred Pounds Conti-
nental Currency to defray his Expences with which you are charged.
[Council to Colonel John Thompson.]
In the Hurry of Business the warrant which was intended for the
Lieutenant of Harford County, was enclosed to you, we now enclose
a warrant to apprehend George Jackson of your County, which you
will have immediately executed.
[Council to Colonel Samuel Smith.]
We have received yours of the 25th and at your Request have sent
£4000 by the Bearer, the utmost sum which could be drawn from
P. 45
the Treasury. We have to thank you for your Attention to the Pres-
ervation of the public Flour, and have no Doubt but the Money here-
with sent will be expended in the most advantageous Manner. The
Fate of the Vessels and Flour we deplore as well on Account of the
Public as Individuals. The State Boats having sustained considerable
Damage on their intended Voyage down the Bay are from Necessity
carried to Baltimore for immediate Repair, every Vessel we could
lay our Hands on are engaged to go down instantly to your Assist-
ance, and we shall direct them to take your Directions in securing
the Vessels and Cargoes. You will be pleased to satisfy the Messen-
ger out of the Money he carries.
January 28
Liber C. B.
No. 24
p. 37
Sunday 28th January 1781.
Ordered that the western shore Treasurer pay to Major John
Steward four thousand and sixty six and two thirds of a Dollar to
be delivered over to Stephen Steward junr on Account of the late
Expedition of the Porpoise Sloop and to be by him Accounted for.
This Board having fully examined John Stump Junr or son of
John and his Books and papers seized by the Lieutenant of Harford
County pursuant to their Warrant and considered the same, are of