Monday 15 January 1781
Ordered That the Armourer deliver to Colo Fitzhugh ten pounds
of Musket powder on Account.
That the western shore Treasurer pay to William Biggs Two
hundred and twenty five pounds eighteen shillings and nine pence
of the new Emission to be delivered over to Clarke and Biggs for
one hundred and twenty and a half yards swanskin purchased of
them by the Governor and Council for the Army & delivered to
Mr Muir p his rect
That the said Treasurer pay to Hannah May one pound seventeen
shillings and six pence of the same Emission in lieu of seventy five
pounds due her per Account passed by the Depy Aud.
That the said Treasurer pay to William Hemsley Esqr five
pounds one shilling and three pence three farthings of the same
Emission in lieu of Two hundred and twTo pounds, twelve shillings
and six pence due him per Acct passed by the And. General.
That the Commissary of Stores deliver to John Bullen eight
blankets and coarse linen for six Matrasses for the Suldieis wounded
in the Porpoise.
That Captain Beriah Maybury and Mr John Ball be requested to
survey the sloop Porpoise belonging to Messrs Wallace, Davidson
and Steward and report to this Board the Damage she sustained
in a late action with a British Privateer.
Warrant issued directed to John Bullen Esquire to impress wag-
gons to remove the public Records in pursuance of a Resolution of
the Genl Assemy of 13th Inst
Ordered That the western shore Treasurer pay to John Shaw,
one thousand pounds on Account.
That the said Treasurer pay to John Johnson, two pounds nine-
teen shillings of the new Emission in lieu of one hundred and
eighteen pounds, two shillings and six pence due him per Account
passed by the Aud Genl
That the said Treasurer pay to Mary Alexander Three Pounds
fifteen shillings of the same Emission in lieu of one hundred and
fifty pounds due her per Account passed by the Auditor General
January 15
Liber C. B.
No. 24
p. 29
[Council to Doct'r James Murray.]
If as we are informed there are Still Beds or Mattrasses wanted
for the use of the wounded, we beg to be informed of the Number
that they be immediately ordered, at the same Time we request to
know whether other Necessaries are required.
January 16
Liber No. 78