of the Council of Maryland. 263
David Hunter of Calvert County being brought before this Board,
according to an order of the 29th December last, and on Examining
the Evidences touching the said Hunter's going on board the Enemy.
The Board were of Opinion that the Charge was not supported and
therefore Ordered that the said David Hunter be discharged.
January 5
Liber C. B.
No. 24
p. 24
[Council to the Governor of the Havannah.]
We were honored with your Excellencys Address of the 15 Octo-
ber Your allowing Mr Dorsey the highest current Price for the
Flour that could be obtained and your Assistance in the Manage-
ment of his Business and the Civilities shewn him demand our Ac-
knowledgement. The motives assigned for the Detention of the Fox
is fully satisfactory, and convinces us that no Blame is imputable
to the Agent for the Delay. The Difficulty of procuring Military-
Stores and Cloathing in America for our Officers Army and Soldiers
added to our earnest Desire to supply his Catholic Majestys Fleets
and Armies with Provision have induced us to export the further
quantity of Barrels of Flour in their Bottoms which we have con-
signed to Mr Dorsey and in Case of his Death or Absence to Mr
Robert Smith a Gentleman of equal Merit and Integrity who we beg
leave to introduce to your Excellency's Notice. If by means of your
Excellency's Assistance and good offices, Mr Deney would be fur-
nished with such military Stores and Cloathing as we have directed
him to procure, it would contribute to the essential Defence and Sup-
January 5
Liber No. 78
p. 27
plies of the common Cause, and render supplies of those necessary
Articles of which we have the utmost occasion, less precarious. It
is our wish that these Vessels should be dispatched with the greatest
Expedition, for if any extraordinary Circumstances should inter-
vene to procrastinate their Departure it will be highly disadvanta-
geous by depriving us of the Power our furnishing our Troops with
Cloathing within the Time expected. We are well assured your
Excellencys Inclination to promote our Interest will correspond
with our Wishes to remove every obstacle which has not been dic-
tated by indispensable Necessity to detain our Vessels in Port be-
yond the necessary Time.
p. 28
[Council to Robert Dorsey Esqr. Havannah.]
You will receive herewith Copys of the Agreement which we have
entered into with Colonel Samuel Smith for the Brig Cato and I
with Messrs Dorsey and Company for the Brig Fox and Schooner
Nautilles each on a Voyage to and from the Havannah, likewise of
the Terms on which those Vessels are to proceed to Cadiz provided
you think it most to the Advantage of the State. This we appre-
hend will depend in some Measure upon your being able to obtain
Bills for what may remain in your Hands after loading the Vessels