December 30
Liber No. 78
p. 24
[Council to John S. Brookes, Esqr.]
We wrote to you yesterday since which we find it necessary to
direct you to send all the Cattle you procure on the Hoof immedi-
ately to Frederick Town to be delivered to Mr George Murdock for
the use of the Convention Troops and desire this may be done as
soon as you can make up fifteen or twenty Head.
December 31
Liber No. 78
P. 25
[Council to Major John Steward.]
The Sloop Porpus and State Boat Dolphin were fitted out and
are put under your Command for the purpose of annoying and as
far as in your Power expelling the Privateers of the Enemy now
committing Depredations on the Trade and Inhabitants of this State
within the Chesapeak Patomack and Patuxent Rivers. By Infor-
mation lately received their Force consists of three Schooners of
twelve four Pounders one of 6 threes and another of 4 threes, they
have beside three or four Barges of considerable strength. You will
act with such Caution as to avoid engaging a Vessel greatly your
superiour. The length of the Cruize will depend so much upon
Circumstances and Events, that we submit the Continuance of it to
your Discretion with full Reliance on your Zeal Activity Courage
and Judgement, you are appointed to conduct this Expedition
January I
Liber C. B.
No. 24
p. 22
Monday 1st January 1781
Ordered That the western shore Treasurer pay to Lieut Edward
Eagerly of the 2nd Maryland Regimt Thirty Pounds of the new
Emission agreeably to a Resolution of the General Assembly passed
the 30th of December last, on Account.
That the said Treasurer pay to Christopher Lybrant Twenty seven
pounds thirteen shillings and one penny half penny of the same
Emission for five Rheams and eighteen Quires of paper purchased
of him for the use of the Public.
That the said Treasurer deliver to Richard Dallam Twenty eight
hhds of Tobacco weighing twenty seven thousand four hundred and
seven pounds net with four p Cent is twenty eight thousand five
hundred and three pounds sold him at fifteen shillings specie p Cent.
That the Commissary of Stores deliver to Joseph Smith Capt in
Colo Nathl Gist's Regiment Cloth and Trimmings for a suit of
Cloaths and Linen for two shirts in part of the Articles allowed by
the Genl Assembly for the year 1781
Commission issued to William Weems appointed Captain of the
sloop Porpoise to cruise against the Pickaroons in the Bay.
Commission of Letters of Marque and Reprisal issued to William
Weems Commander of the sloop Porpoise Eighty five Tons burthen
navigated by eighteen men mounting six carriage Guns four Howitz