Cloathing that they cannot return to Charlotte's Ville, let the Diffi-
culties of providing for them here be ever so great, we are well
convinced they cannot be sheltered or subsisted at Fort Frederick
the Place assigned for their Reception when removed from Virginia,
and if sent thither the unavoidable Consequence will be that they
will be dispersed about the Country, and many will escape to the
Enemy. The Barracks at Frederick Town are unfinished but if put
in proper Condition would accommodate with Conveniency five
hundred. We have not Provisions to feed those Troops nor can
they be procured in Time, unless we are supplied with Continental
Money, and then we shall meet with Difficulties in getting Beef and
Pork. We request the General Assembly would direct where and
in what Manner Barracks are to be provided for these Troops, and
that such effectual Measures be adopted as will enable us to subsist
them until Orders are received for their Removal. Colonel Wood
waits the Determination of the General Assembly and the Situation
of the Troops renders him very anxious to return as quick as possible.
December 6
Liber No. 78
p. 12
[Council to Mr. William Smith.]
Enclosed is a Permit for the Brigantine Ranger to load with Flour
on Account of his Catholic Majesty, We are willing to take on
Account of the State any Flour which may exceed the 3000 Barrels
you are permitted to export for the Freight of which we will allow
half the Flour and expect the Proceeds, Freight free Back, on the
same Terms we have agreed with Mr Samuel Smith.
p. 13
Friday 8th December 1780
Ordered that the western shore Treasurer pay to Colo James
Hindman seventeen Pounds, ten shillings of the new Emission on
That the said Treasurer pay to James Brice Esquire sixty three
Pounds of the same Emission on Account
That the said Treasurer pay to Capt. Lloyd Beall of the 7th Regi-
ment one Pound thirteen shillings of the same Emission in lieu of
sixty six Pounds due him per Account passed by the Aud. Genl
That the said Treasurer pay to Capt David Lynn of the 7th
Regiment Three Pounds, nine shillings of the same Emission in
lieu of one hundred and thirty eight Pounds due him per Account
passed by the Aud. Genl
That the said Treasurer pay to Jesse Hollingsworth Ten hhds of
Tobacco weighing nine thousand eight hundred and eighty nine
pounds for which he is to pay sixty pounds per hundred and four
p Cent for the Casks.
That Christopher Edelen Collector of the Tax for Frederick
County pay to George Murdock appointed Purchasing Commissary
December 8
Liber C. B.
No. 24
P. 13