of the Council of Maryland. 235
This Board in Pursuance of the Powers delegated to them by the
Resolution aforesaid, having Considererd the Facts contained in
the said Memorial with the Affidavits thereto annexed together
with the Liber exhibited in the Court of Admiralty against the said
Sloop Experiment and the answer on Oath of the said Legh Master
thereto, are of Opinion that no intended and gross Violation of the
said Flag has happened and do therefore Order the said Vessel with
her Furniture Tackle Apparel and Cargo be discharged and restored
to the said Lcgh Master and that he depart with his said Vessel
within ten Days from the date hereof. Permission is hereby given
to the said Legh Master to carry with him for the use of the
Prisoners and Crew belonging to the Sloop Experiment, Ten barrels
of Bread, five Barrels of Flour and ten Barrels of Salt Beef or Pork.
December 5
Liber C. B.
No. 24
p. 11
[Council to Benjamin Nicholson, Esqr., Judge of the
Admiralty Court.]
Enclosed you have the Resolution on the Memorials of Legh
Master, which was laid before the General Assembly and by them
referred to us; you will be pleased to issue your Order to the
Marshall to discharge the Sloop Experiment &ca and restore her
to the said Legh Master, who is allowed to take away with him
ten Barrels of Bread, five Barrels of Flour and ten Barrels of salt
Beef or Pork and ordered to depart with his said Vessel within
ten Days from the fifth Instant.
December 5
Liber No. 78
p. 10
[Council to Legh Masters, Esqr.]
Enclosed is our Permission to lade on Board your Sloop a quan-
tity of Provisions which we think fully sufficient for your Voyage
and our Letter to Benjamin Nicholson Esqr Judge of the Admiralty
Court requesting him to order your Vessel &c immediately to be
restored to you. You are to depart with your Vessel within ten Days
from the Date hereof.
[Council to James Calhoun Esqr.]
We have directed Mr Randall to procure some Articles necessary
for our troops which we shall have an opportunity of forwarding in
a few Days. If you have sold any more Tobacco or he can agree
for the Articles wanting payable in Tobacco, Please to supply him
with what he may want out of what you have on Hand. It is
uncertain what Plan the General Assembly may adopt for obtaining
the Supply for the ensuing year,
Wednesday 6th December 1780
Ordered That the Western Shore Treasurer pay to Captain Jona-
than Sellman of the 4th Regimt Three pounds Six shillings of the
December 6
Liber C. B.
No. 24
p. 11