Monday 4th December 1780
Ordered That the western shore Treasurer pay to James Brice
Esquire one thousand three hundred and seventy five pounds, seven-
teen shillings and six pence due him per Account passed by the
Aud. Genl
That the said Treasurer pay to Captain John Rudulph three thou-
sand three hundred and fifty six pounds six shillings and three pence.
One thousand six hundred & eleven pounds, two shillings and six
pence part thereof to be by him retained one thousand six hundred
and eleven pounds, two shillings and six pence to be delivered over
to Captain George Handy and one hundred and thirty four pounds,
one shilling and three pence the remaining part to be delivered over
to Captain Michael Rudulph per Accounts passed by the Aud.
That the said Treasurer pay to John H. Stone Esquire three
hundred pounds Continental Currency in part of his Salary on
That the said Treasurer pay to James Brice Esquire Fifty Pounds
of the new Emission on Account.
That the said Treasurer pay to Colo Uriah Forrest Three thousand
one hundred and twenty five Pounds for three months salary to the
first Instant.
That William McBride deliver to Peter Chaille Commissary for
Worcester County what Salt he may have occasion for in the Execu-
tion [of] his Office.
On the Recommendation of Richard Harwood junr Samuel God-
man, Alien Quynn and Nicholas Maccubbin junr justices of the
Peace for Ann Arundel County, Pardon granted to Negro Charles
the man Slave of a certain John Chew of Ann Arundel County con-
victed in the County Court aforesaid for felony.
December 4
Liber C. B.
No. 24
p. 10
[Council to Capt. William Middleton.]
You are to proceed with the Dolphin and Plater State Boats under
your Command to Pocomoke River and deliver the Letter com-
mitted to your Care for Colonel Chaille and Whilliam MacBryde,
from the last mentioned Gentleman you will receive the Provisions
bought for the State by Mr Jackson the late Commissary of Somer-
set County which you are to bring to this Post after calling at
Wicommico to fill up the Boats with Provisions lying on that River
purchased for the State by the late Commissary Colonel Joseph
Dashiell. The Danger to be apprehended from the Enemy and the
advanced Season of the year renders it necessary that you should
be as cautious and expeditious as possible.
December 4
Liber No. 78
p. 9