December 2 ]
Liber C. B.
No. 24
p. 9 ;
passed the 5th of July last, and also to Capt. Horatio Clagett of
the third Regimt thirteen and an half Gallons of Rum, seventeen
pounds of Sugar and twenty two pounds of Coffee deficiency of
Stores to the 1st Inst.
That the Armourer deliver to Colo Whitely Lieut of Caroline
County Fifty pounds of Lead and one Quire Cartridge paper on
That the Commissary of Stores deliver to Richard Sprigg Esquire
six pounds of Salt petre. and also to Capt Horatio Clagett of the
3d Regiment Cloth and Trimmings for a Suit of Cloaths & Linen
for two shirts on Account.
An Order on the Collector of the Tax for Baltimore County in
favour of John Cockey of the 4th Septr last for ten thousand Pounds
is this day returned.
December 2
Liber No. 78
p. 9
[Council to Peter Chaille and William McBryde.]
The Season for salting Beef and Pork in Barrells will be soon
over, and expecting considerable Supplies of those Articles from
your County, we hope you will loose no Time in procuring them on
the best Terms you can for the Public. Enclosed is an order on Mr
Macbryde for what Salt you may have occasion for.
Copy of the above and some Parts of the circular Letter of the
5th July went to Mr Macbryde and Peter Chaille of Worcester
County appointed Commissary.