of the Council of Maryland. 231
[Council to His Excellency The Chev're de la Luzerne.]
We were honored with your Excellency's Letter of the 19th by
Mr Beyerfalk. The Permission required was immediately granted
and we have given Assurances to that Officer, that he will receive
every support from this Board which may be necessary to enable
him to enlist the Deserters from the German Trooos in the service
of Great Britain who are now in the State and inclined to serve his
Must Christian Majesty.
December I
Liber No. 78
p. 8
[Council to Charles Blake, Esqr.]
We received yours of the 30th Ulto Enclosed are Notes for in
Hogsheads of Tobacco laying in the Warehouses you mention which
we request you to dispose of on the best Terms you can, not under
f 55 p Hundred and 4 p Cent Cash payable in Continental Money.
As the Season is advancing when it will be necessary to lay in salted
Provisions against the ensuing year. We desire you to expend this
Money which the Tobacco will place in your Hands in procuring
Beef and Pork and having it well cured, and that you engage all
you can of those Articles and we will supply you with Money when
in your Power You have also enclosed an Order on Mr Wedder-
strand for supplying- you with what Salt you may have Occasion for.
We expect you will attend to the Interest of the Public in making
your Purchases inform us of your Prospects
Hogshead Net
Choptank Bridge Town Warehouse. 32 33354
Little Choptank River Warehouse. 2 1975
Browns Warehouse Wye River 33 35825
Emersons Warehouse Wye River 16 16622
Porters Warehouse Chester Town 28 26507
Council to Capt. Richard Conway.]
By Jeremiah Clifford you will receive 25000£ Continental Money
we have sold a quantity of Tobacco for Continental Money to be
paid the latter End of next Week, and have no Doubt of our receiv-
ing it then, as soon as we receive it we shall send the Balance due
You by Express.
p. 9
Saturday 2d December 1780.
Ordered That the Issuing Commissary deliver to Captain Beriah
Maybury one thousand six hundred and forty six rations, when
they can most conveniently be spared from the Publick Stock, the
Balance allowed him by a Resolution of the General Assembly
December 2
Liber C. B.
No. 24
p. 9