of the Council of Maryland. 201
seeing you, I can, I believe Dispose of it for Cash. Provided the
Price do not exceed fifty pounds, they being so very light, will not
Command a price equal to Heavy Tobacco, in case your Excellency
think the price will answer, and you would please to send me the
notes by the Bearer, I will pay the Cash on your order
December )
[T. Donnellan Baltimore, to Gov. Lee]
Sr Am under the necessity of Requesting that your Excellency
will be pleased to Grant me a Supply of Cash.
The Sum I had was not sufficient to discharge the Demands then
against me, which are since very considerably augmented by Bakers,
Coopers, Inspectors & Laborers Accots all urging for payment.
December !
Red Book
No. 26
No. 68
[U. Forrest, Aud. Gen'1, to Gov Lee, has appointed Henry Baker
clerk and sends him to take the oath.]
December 8
[George Dashiell, Somerset County, to Gov. Lee]
Sir The inclosed deposition I received from Colo Hooper the
5th Inst with a request from him to apprehend the Bearer Joseph
Whalland, who had removed from the Island where he formerly
lived into my neighbourhood. Whaland came to my house this
morning and on mentioning the matter to him declared his inno-
cence, and willingness to appear before your Excellency. He re-
moved from the Island about the middle of September, came and
inform'd me that his boat had been taken by a party of the enemy
and himself put in Irons & compeled to go in her, that on her return
from up the bay the crew gave him the boat and dismissed him
from their service He immediately came up Wicomico river rented
a house and removed his family, and assured me that he never
would live e[xpo]sed to the enemies cruisers during the continu-
ance [of the w]ar offered his Service to go in and also to con[trib-
ut]e toward building a barge to oppose them on this coast. The day
before I recd Colo Hooper's letter he came and inform'd me of a
person who had been two cruises In the Cat and had return'd home
wounded and [was one] of the witnesses to prove the fact upon him.
From the whole of his conduct since his removal I was induced to be-
lieve that he was compell'd to go with the enemy. I have apprehended
I. Bedsworth agreeable to your Excellencies direction and shall im-
mediately send him to Annapolis. The Enemies cruisers have not
interrupted us in this quarter since they were up the bay last, and
from the best information that I can procure cant learn that they
have been at the Islands since. I have a few of the militia on Duty
but shall dismiss them as I dont apprehend they will be here again
this season
The Deposition of Valentine Peyton of Stafford County in Vir-
ginia taken the 2d Septemr 1780 who being first sworn on the Holy
December 8