[Fran's Marrion Whitemarsh Bladen County to Gov. Lee]
Sir On the 3d Inst I had Advice that upwards of two hundred
Torys Intended to Attack me the next day, I immediately marched
with 53 Men, which is all I cou'd get, on the 4th in the morning I
surprised A party of 45 men, which I mistook for the main body;
I killed and wounded all but 15, which Escaped, I then marched
immediately to Attack the main body, which I met about 3 miles
in full march towards me, I Directly attack'd them, And put them
to flight (though they had 200 men) And got into an Impassible
Swamp to all but Torys, I had one man wounded in the first action
And then in the second, and two Horses killed; finding it impossible
to come at them, I returned to Camp, the next day I was informed
they all Disperst. on the fifth I was Joined by about 60 men; I then
throughed up a small redoubt, to secure my camp from being sur-
prised by the Torys, should they again collect.
On the 7th I crossed P. D. and Lynches Creek with one hundred
men 50 to secure my Camp and the river; to attack a party of regu-
lars And militia, said to be 150, which was in Williamsbourg town-
ship, a Burning all the Houses of their men who had Joined me;
when I had got to indian Town, Capt James who I had sent tc
reconiter the Enemy, meet me; he had taken a Prisoner belonging
to Colo Ferguson riffle regt by whom, I learnt that they was 200
British, and a number of Torys, & that Major Whims with 200
men, was to Join them that night, they was seen after dark on their
march, and by an Orderly book taken with an officers baggage
with the Above Prisoner, I found their Intention was to remove me
and to proceed to the Chasases; I also had Intelligence that 200 men
part regulars, had arrived in George Town from Lanter; which
Obliged me to return to my camp, which I did that day, the 8th
I had Intelligence, that they Major Whimes had crossed Linches
Brown Book
No. 8
No. 4