[Jas Calhoun, Baltimore to His Excellency Govr. Lee]
Sir I am very sorry to find my success in purchasing has by no
means equal'd my expectation scare any wheat or flour has come
from the Country this week owing I believe to the busy season it
being the heighth of seed time, nor has any wheat come by water
I imagine it generally goes towards Elk & Bohemia where the price
is higher than with us the last that came here was bought up by
Mr Hollingsworth & sent to Elk & several of the Millers from Cecil
have been down here to purchase Wheat the price of flour at Philada
is £100 to f 112:10 pr Ct
Mr Mathews had secured what flour was in Town or in the
Mills contiguous before I had it in my power to buy any, his
purchases must amount to 5 or 600 Barrels at least part of which
is gone on to Elk.
The Country back of this abounds in grain and I am perswaded
could we wait until it came regularly to Market & was enabled to
pay the cash it might be got on good terms but am fearful to make
our present great necessities known or ride about to the Millers &
farmers in the Country will be a certain way to raise the price & not