to see them qualified: They return, and say they saw them qualified
by taking the several Oaths to the Government required by Law,
signing the Oath of Abjuration, and repeating and signing the Test.
The Gentlemen take their Seats in the House.
The Petition of John Roberts, and Thomas Bond, of Baltimore
County Planters, read and rejected.
The Petition of several of the Inhabitants of the Province of
Maryland, representing the Injuries done by Negroes and their
Dogs, and by Crows and Hawks; read, and referred to the Consid-
eration of the next Session of Assembly.
Mr Harris added to the Committee of Laws.
On Motion of a Member from the Committee of Aggrievances,
that a Pound of Tobacco hath been levied by Order of the Gover-
nour and Council, upon each Taxable Person of this Province;
Ordered, That the Committee of Laws prepare an Address to his
Excellency the Governour, to order to be laid before this House,
by what Authority the said Pound of Tobacco hath been levied.
Dr Carroll brings in the Address to his Excellency the Governour,
which was read, approved of, and ordered to be engrossed.
The following engrossed Address to his Excellency the Gover-
nour, viz.
To His Excellency Thomas Bladen Esqr Governour of Maryland.
The Humble Address of the House of Delegates of the said
May it please your Evcellency.
It appearing to this House that there hath been assessed and
levied, by order of your Excellency and Council, the Sum of one
Pound of Tobacco, on every Taxable Person within this Province ;
and to enforce the Collection thereof, an Execution hath been put
into the Hands of the respective Sherifs: But in as much as it is not
known to this House, by what Power and Authority your Excel-
lency and their Honours have done the same, we humbly pray, your
Excellency will please to order to be laid before this House, the
Authority by which the said Tax hath been assessed, levied, and
Execution issued for the same. Being prepared, was ordered, on
Behalf of the House, to be signed by the Honourable Speaker; which
being done, Ordered, That Mr Goldsborough and Mr Paca acquaint
his Excellency, that this House hath prepared an Address to hie
Excellency, and desires to know when and where he will be pleased
to receive it: They return, and say, his Excellency will receive it
immediately upon the Parade.
L. H. J.
Liber No. 46