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We his Majestys most dutiful and loyal Subjects, the Delegates
of the Freemen of Maryland in this present General Assembly con-
vened, take leave to acknowledge the Favour of your Excellency's
Speech at the Opening of this Session; and your Goodness in com-
municating to us Governour Shirley's Letter, whereby we have the
pleasing news of the Reduction of Louisburg on Cape Breton to his
Majesty's Obedience; An Acquisition of the greatest Consequence
to, and which does Honour to the Northern Colonies, who, tho' they
in Conjunction with a Part of his Majesty's Navy have obtained the
Glory of taking, may yet, without some present Assistance from
the neighbouring Governments, be incapable of holding that impor-
tant Conquest; as it is not doubted but the French King, our com-
mon Enemy, will with a suitable Force, endeavour to regain it. We
shall therefore, to manifest our unfeigned Duty and Loyalty to His
Majesty (altho' by his gracious condescension exempted from the
least Demand,) proceed to raise such a Support for the protecting
and securing the City of Louisburg against any Attempt of the
Enemy, in such manner as the indigent Circumstances of our Con-
stituents will admit: And shall likewise, for Dispatch, allow this
Proceeding the first place in our Consultations; and in Complyance
with our Duty, also carry on with due order and Circumspection,
every other Branch of Business that lays properly before us, altho'
not recommended by your Excellency: And act and do in every Re-
spect, the Duty of good Subjects, faithful Representatives, and true
Lovers of our Country.
Being prepared, was ordered, on Behalf of the House, to be signed
by the Honourable Speaker; which being done, Ordered, That Col.
King, and Major Henry Hall acquaint his Excellency that this
House hath prepared an Address to his Excellency, on his Speech,
and desires to know when and where he will be pleased to receive it :
They return, and acquaint Mr Speaker, the Governour will receive
it in half an Hour, in the Conference Chamber, Col. King, with
thirteen others, sent to present the Address to his Excellency: They
return, and acquaint Mr Speaker they have presented the Address.
Mr Joseph Hall, a returned Member for Calvert County, and Mr
William Wilkinson, a returned Member for Charles County, appear
in the House. Mr Brome and Mr Mackall sent to the Upper House