Acts. 617
be raised for Rent, or otherwise; that is to say, so much thereof as
shall not be applied to defray the Expence of said Warehouse or
Warehouses, shall be paid by the several and respective Inspectors
to the several and respective Justices, and by the said Justices applied
to defray the Charge of their respective Counties.
Session Laws
And be it further Enacted, That where any Money shall be taken
out of the Loan-Office, by the Justices of any County Court within
this Province, for purchasing Land, building any of the Warehouses,
and supplying the same with Necessaries, according to the Direc-
tions of this Act; and that the Rent, Profit, or Income of such Ware-
house or Houses shall not be sufficient to refund and replace the
Money so taken out, that in every such Case, the Deficiency shall be
satisfied by and out of the public Levy, or Stock, of this Province,
and not otherwise.
in repaying
the Money
taken out of
the Loan
Office, to be
out of the
public Stock
And be it further Enacted, That there shall be kept at every one
of the said Warehouses a good and sufficient Beam, Weights, and
Scales, to weigh twelve hundred gross Pounds at the least; and a Set
of small Weights, the same that are or ought to be provided for the
Standard Weights of each County: And the said Justices are hereby
required and obliged to purchase the same for each Warehouse; as
also Blocks, Tackles, and other Necessaries, out of the Money to be
taken out of the Loan-Office as aforesaid; and an Account of the
Charges thereof to transmit to the Commissioners or Trustees
and Scales
to be kept
at each
And it is further Enacted, That the Commissioners or Trustees
for emitting Bills of Credit shall, and they are hereby obliged to pay
to the Justices of the several and respective Counties within this
Province, such Sum and Sums as they shall respectively require
according to the Direction of this Act: And the said Trustees are
hereby obliged and directed to keep distinct Accounts with each re-
spective County, charging therein the Sums paid, and to what Jus-
tices, and of what County; and when and as often as any Payments
shall be made by any of the Counties, such their Accounts shall be
credited with such Payment. And moreover, The said Justices are
hereby directed and required, once in every Year at the least, to ap-
point two or more of their Number to view the said Scales, and
examine and try the Weights at the several Warehouses by the
Standard Weights of the County; and if the same, or the other
Necessaries hereby required, shall want repairing, or the Weights
be found deficient or differing from the lawful Standard, the said
Justices shall cause the same to be repaired and amended, and the
Weights made conformable to the Standard, and the Charge of
repairing and amending as aforesaid shall be paid by the Inspectors
respectively, and be again allowed them in their Account with the
said Justices.
sioners of
the Paper
Office to
pay the
Justice such
Sums as
shall be