616 Assembly Proceedings, May 16-July 11, 1747
Session Laws
said proceed to set a Value, in Current Money, on the Acre or half
Acre of Land, as the Case shall be; and whatever Value the said
Justices shall so set on the same, it shall be paid in Manner follow-
ing; that is to say, If any other than the Proprietor or Owner shall
undertake the said Building, and other Conveniences, then such Un-
dertaker shall pay to the Proprietor or Owner the Sum so set by the
Justices as aforesaid for the said Land; and from and after such
Payment, such Undertaker upon Building as aforesaid, shall have
an absolute Estate in Fee Simple, in said Acre or half Acre of Land,
as the Case shall be. And in case the Proprietor or Owner of such
Land, the Guardian, Husband, or Attorney, aforesaid, will not build
as aforesaid, nor that any other Person will undertake the doing
thereof, on the Terms of this Act, that then and in such Case the
Justices as aforesaid shall, without Delay, agree with some Work-
man, or Workmen, to build as aforesaid: And then such Justices,
or the major Part of them, are hereby required and obliged to apply,
by their Order or Orders in Writing, to the Commissioners or Trus-
tees for emitting Bills of Credit, established by Act of Assembly,
at the City of Annapolis, for so much Money in Bills of Credit, as
will pay for the Land valued, or to be valued by them; as also for
such further or other Sum or Sums of Money, as will compleat the
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Buildings aforesaid, and other Conveniences, which the said Justices
shall find requisite for the Uses of such Inspecting House or Houses.
Provided always, That the Justices of any one County shall not take
out of the said Loan-Office a Sum exceeding one hundred Pounds
Current Money, for any one House, and the other Necessaries thereto
paying for
Land to be
with an
Estate in
Fee Simple,
And be it Enacted, That where the Justices aforesaid shall cause
to be built and made the said Warehouses, Wharffs, and other Con-
veniences, that they paying or tendering the Value of the Land, so
as aforesaid set, to the Proprietor or Proprietors, the Guardian,
Husband, or Attorney, as aforesaid, as the Case shall be, that then
such Justices shall have an absolute Estate in Fee Simple, to them
and their Successors, in said Land, to the Use of the County: And
where the said Buildings and other Conveniences shall be made and
found by the Justices as aforesaid, the several Inspectors shall pay
the Sum of twelve Pence Current Money, for every Hogshead in
this Act mentioned so as aforesaid, by him or them taken in and de-
livered out, to the said Justices; and the said Justices shall, with all
convenient Speed, pay the same to the said Commissioners or Trus-
tees of the Loan-Office, at the City of Annapolis; and shall moreover
pay to the said Commissioners or Trustees, for the Time being, all
Moneys that shall otherwise be raised from such Warehouse or Ware-
houses, over and above the Salaries to Inspectors, Rents of Ware-
houses, and other incident Charges, until such Time as the whole
of the principal Money taken out of the said Loan-Office shall be
refunded and paid in: And that afterwards the Money that shall