618 Assembly Proceedings, May 16-July 11, 1747.
Session Laws
p. 23
by whom-
built are to
be let to
And be it further Enacted, That in case the Proprietor or Owner,
Guardian, Husband, or Attorney, as aforesaid, shall undertake the
Building as aforesaid, and keeping the same in Repair; or in case
he, she, or they, will not, and that the same be done by any other
Person as aforesaid; that in either of these Cases the Builder or
Builders shall be, and are hereby obliged to let the same to the In-
spector or Inspectors of such Warehouse, under the Penalty of two
hundred Pounds Current Money of this Province, at the Rates fol-
lowing; (that is to say,) The Inspector or Inspectors of said Ware-
house shall, and are hereby obliged to pay to the Party building as
aforesaid, twelve Pence for every Hogshead of Tobacco that shall
be received into such Warehouse, and delivered out of the same in-
spected, and that annually.
Of Ware-
houses al-
ready built
in Places
And forasmuch as that at some of the Places before mentioned for
Warehouses to be built, there may happen to be a Warehouse or
Warehouses already built for the Conveniency of private People,
Be it Enacted, That in any such Case, if the Proprietor or Owner
will let such House or Houses to the Inspector or Inspectors to be
appointed, for a Warehouse at such Place, that then, and in such
Case, the Proprietor or Owner of such House or Houses, building
a Wharff, and giving Security to keep such House or Houses and
Wharff in Repair, and making any Addition to said Building that
shall be thought necessary and convenient by the Justices as afore-
said, shall be paid the Rent aforesaid in Manner aforesaid.
And to prevent any Mistakes in the carrying this Act into Exe-
Rent Scales
how to be
cution by the Justices as aforesaid, or any Prejudice that may arise,
either to the Commissioners or Trustees for emitting Bills of Credit,
established by Act of Assembly, or to any of the Counties within
this Province; It is hereby Declared and Enacted, That all such
Moneys as shall be taken out of the said Loan Office for the Uses
of this Act, shall be paid in again out of the Profits of the respective
Warehouses, and according to the Directions of this Act, until the
said Office shall be paid the Principal Money so given out to the
respective Justices as aforesaid: And that where the Warehouse or
Warehouses, Wharffs, Prizes, and Cranes are built and provided by
any other Person in this Act mentioned, then the Rent of twelve
Pence per Hogshead as aforesaid shall be paid to such Person or
Persons so building and providing as aforesaid by the several In-
spectors; and the Residue of the seven Shillings per Hogshead, and
four Shillings per Hogshead, mentioned in this Act, shall be applied
to pay and defray the Charge of the Inspectors Sallaries, and other
Annual Ac-
counts of
the Profits
and Loss, to
be delivered
to the
Expences, such as finding Weights and Scales, and other Necessaries
mentioned in this Act, and the keeping them in Repair according
to the true Intent and Meaning of this Act. And that for all Matters
relating to the Expence of putting this Act in Execution, and the
Profits to be raised thereby, the several Inspectors shall annually lay