Acts. 611
on Broad Creek, thirty Pounds to each Inspector; at Thomas Bruff's
Landing on St. Michael's River, and at the Old Field Landing
belonging to Harris Clayland, on the Eastern Branch of Wye River,
fifty Pounds to each Inspector. In Dorchester County, at Choptank
Bridge on Peter Rich's Land, twenty-five Pounds to each Inspector ;
at Hunting Creek on Dr. Murray's Land, and at Nanticoke, on
Thomas Cannon, junior, his Land where he now dwells, forty-five
Pounds to each Inspector; at the Town of Plymouth, on Philips's
Land, and at Little Choptank on Arthur Whiteley's Land, forty-
five Pounds to each Inspector; at Vienna Town, on Henry Hooper,
junior, his Land, and at Choptank, on Henry Ennalls, junior, his
Land, at the Ferry-Landing, forty-five Pounds to each Inspector.
Dorchester ;
In Caecil County, at Frederick-Town on Sassafras River, and at
John Holland's at Bohemia Ferry, sixty Pounds to each Inspector;
at Charles-Town on North-East River, fifty Pounds to each In-
spector. In Baltimore County, at Baltimore-Town, on the West
side of the Falls, and at Ragland Landing on Patapsco River, sixty
five Pounds to each Inspector; at Joppa, at the Ferry-Landing near
the Point-House on Gunpowder River, fifty Pounds to each In-
spector; at Otter-Point Landing near the Red Gifts, on Bush River,
fifty Pounds to each Inspector; at John Loney's, on Swan Creek, and
at the Rock Run on Susquehanna River, fifty-five Pounds to each
Baltimore ;
Inspector. In Prince George's County, at the Head of Rock Creek,
the Rolling-House which George Gordon built, sixty Pounds to each
Inspector; at Bladensburg, on the Lot at the Warehouse belonging
to Dr. David Ross, sixty-five Pounds to each Inspector; at Broad
Creek, on the Land of Humphry Batts, and on Piscataway Creek,
at or near Richard Rawlings's Landing, seventy Pounds to each
George's ;
Inspector; at Queen-Anne's Town on Patuxent River, sixty-five
Pounds to each Inspector; at Upper-Marlborough, sixty Pounds
to each Inspector; at Nottingham, and at or near Truman's Point
on Patuxent River, seventy Pounds to each Inspector. In Queen-
Anne's County, on Samuel Blunt's dwelling Plantation, fifty Pounds
to each Inspector; at Charles Browne's Landing, and at the Head
of Courseca Creek, on the Land of William Hopper, sixty Pounds
to each Inspector; at the Church Landing near Collins's Mill, and
at Humphry Wells, junior, his Landing, sixty Pounds to each In-
spector; at Tuckahoe Bridge, and at Choptank Bridge, sixty Pounds
to each Inspector. In Worcester County, at Col. Scarborough's
Warehouse in Snowhill-Town, and at Major Hopkin's Warehouse
in Newport-Town, forty Pounds to each Inspector; at Baltimore-
Town on Indian River, and at Broad Creek, on the North side at the
Wading-place, twenty-five Pounds to each Inspector.
And be it further Enacted, That the Vestry-men and Church-
wardens of Queen Caroline Parish in Anne-Arundel County, have
full Power and Authority to elect and recommend four Inspectors
for a Warehouse appointed to be at Elk-Ridge Landing, situate and
p. 19
vestry of Q
Parish to
Chuse In-
specters for
St. Mar-
garets West-