610 Assembly Proceedings, May 16-July 11, 1747.
Session Laws
County, at Chaptico on the Land of Philip Key, fifty Pounds to
each Inspector, .at the Court-House, on the Land of Abraham
Barnes, fifty Pounds to each Inspector; at the Head of St. Mary's
River, at the usual Landing, fifty Pounds to each Inspector; at
Mr. Cole's at Cole's Creek, forty Pounds to each Inspector; at
Town-Creek, on the Land belonging to Hugh Hopewell, forty
Pounds to each Inspector. In Kent County, at Samuel Tovey's on
Gray's Inn Creek, and at Miles Mason Shehawn's on Langford's
Bay, fifty Pounds to each Inspector; at Chester-Town, and at the
Widow Clannahawn's above the Mouth of Morgan's Creek on Ches-
ter River, sixty Pounds to each Inspector; at Abraham Falkner's at
the Head of Chester River, and at George-Town on Sassafras River,
Arundel ;
fifty Pounds to each Inspector. In Anne Arundel County, at Elk-
Ridge Landing on Patapsco River, sixty Pounds to each Inspector ;
at Indian Landing on Severn River, and at the Ferry on the North
Side of Magathy River, fifty Pounds to each Inspector; at Mackle-
fish's, alias Howard's Landing, on the South Side of South River,
and at the Landing commonly called Taylor's Landing, near Kil-
kenny on Patuxent River, fifty Pounds to each Inspector; at Pig-
Point on Patuxent River, and at Thomas Sprigg's Point, near where
the Ships lie, on West River, sixty Pounds to each Inspector. In
Calvert County, at the Head of St. Leonard's Creek, forty Pounds
p. 18
to each Inspector; at the lower Side of Hunting-Creek, near Mr.
Hance's Warehouse, forty Pounds to each Inspector; at Lower-
Marlborough, forty Pounds to each Inspector. In Charles County,
at Benedict-Town on Patuxent River, fifty Pounds to each Inspec-
tor; at Piles's Fresh, on Jane Parnham's Land, at the Head of
Wiccocomico River, fifty Pounds to each Inspector; at Lower
Cedar-Point, on Charles Jones's Land, forty Pounds to each Inspec-
tor; at the Head of Port-Tobacco Creek, on the Land of William
Neale, sixty Pounds to each Inspector; at Nanjemoy on Potowmack
River, on the Land of Richard Harrison, forty Pounds to each
Inspector; at Mattawoman's Creek, on Benjamin Bullet's Land,
fifty Pounds to each Inspector. In Somerset County, at Princess-
Anne Town near Monokin Bridge, and on the Land of Thomas
Maddox below the Mouth of Back-Creek, forty Pounds to each In-
spector; on Great Animessex, on the Land of Outerbridge Horsey,
on Colebourne's Creek, at a Place called The Old Town, and on
Pocomoke River, at Rehoboth Town, forty Pounds to each Inspec-
tor; on Wiccocomico River, at Day Scott's Warehouse near Green-
hill Town, and at the Head of Barren Creek on Nanticoke River,
on the Land of William Brown, forty Pounds to each Inspector.
In Talbot County, at King's-Town, on the Lot belonging to William
Gale, and at Berry's Landing on King's Creek and at Barker's
Landing, sixty Pounds to each Inspector; at Morris Gideon's Land-
ing on Dividing Creek, and at Oxford on Mr. Richard Gildart's
Lot, sixty Pounds to each Inspector; at Daniel Sherwood's Landing