612 Assembly Proceedings, May i6-July n, 1747.
being in St. Margaret's Westminster Parish, and to proceed as if
the said Warehouse had by this Act been appointed to be in Queen
Caroline Parish; and that the Vestry-men and Church-wardens of
St. Margaret's Westminster Parish, no way intermeddle with the
Election or Recommendation of Inspectors for the said Warehouse
to be at Elk-Ridge Landing: And that the said Inspectors and In-
spection be under the same regulation as if nominated and recom-
mended by the Vestry-men and Church-wardens of St. Margaret's
Westminster Parish; any thing in this Act contained to the contrary
to the
of Annaoolis
And be it further Enacted, That it shall and may be lawful for
the Inhabitants of Annapolis, or such of them as shall think fit, at
their own proper Cost and Charg-e, to Rent or Build a Warehouse,
and to provide all other Conveniencies for the Inspection and Priz-
ing Tobacco; and for the Vestry-men and Church-wardens of Saint
Anne's Parish to nominate and recommend four sufficient and capa-
ble Planters to be Inspectors, out of which four Persons two shall
be Appointed by the Governor or Commander in Chief, as in other
cases; and that the said Inhabitants, or such of them as shall Erect
or Rent such Warehouse, shall pay such Inspectors such Salary as
they and the Inspectors shall agree upon.
When and
how Chosen
And be it Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That all Tobacco
that shall be brought to any of the Public Warehouses herein before-
mentioned, shall be Viewed, Examined, and Inspected, by two Per-
sons to be thereunto appointed, who shall be called Inspectors, and
nominated and appointed in Manner and Form following, That is
to say, The several and respective Vestry-men and Church-wardens
of every Parish within this Province wherein any Warehouse shall
be erected or established in virtue of this Act, or the major Part of
them, shall and may, and they are hereby authorized and required,
to meet together at their several and respective Parish Churches, on
the first Week of December, Seventeen Hundred and forty-eight,
and on the first Week of December, yearly, and every year, during
the continuance of this Act, and to nominate and recommend to the
If two
under I in-
spection be
in several
then each
Parish to
Chuse two
Lists to be
returned to
the Clerks
of the
Council and
Governor to
nominate 2
out of four
Governor or Commander in Chief of this Province for the Time
being, four able and sufficient Planters, well skilled in Tobacco, for
each and every Inspection within their different Parishes, for the
Execution of the Office of Inspectors: And where it shall happen
that two Warehouses, under one and the same Inspection, shall be in
different Parishes, the Vestry-men and Church-wardens of each
Parish, or the major part of them, shall nominate and recommend
two able and sufficient Persons, well skilled in Tobacco, for such
And be it Enacted, That the several and respective Vestry-men
and Church-wardens, in both these Cases, shall forthwith transmit
Certificates of such Nomination and Recommendation, to the Clerk