Acts. 609
King's-Town, on the Land belonging to William Gale, and at
Berry's Landing on King's Creek at Barker's Landing, under one
Inspection; at Morris Gideon's Landing on Dividing Creek, and at
Oxford on Mr. Richard Gildart's Lot, under one Inspection; at
Daniel Sherwood's Landing on Broad Creek, under one Inspection ;
at Thomas Bruff's Landing on St. Michael's River, and at the Old
Session Laws
Field Landing lately belonging to Harris dayland, on the Eastern
Branch of Wye River, under one Inspection. In Dorchester County,
at Choptank Bridge on Peter Rich his Land, under one Inspection ;
at Hunting Creek at Dr. Murray's Land, and at Nanticoke, on
Thomas Cannon, junior, his Land where he now dwells, under one
Inspection; at the Town of Plymouth, on Phillip's Land, and Little
Choptank on Arthur Whiteley's Land, under one Inspection; at
Vienna Town, on Henry Hooper, junior, his Land, and at Chop-
tank, on Henry Ennalls, junior, his Land, at the Ferry Landing,
County ;
under one Inspection. In Caecil County, at Frederick-Town on Sassa-
fras River, and at John Holland's at Bohemia Ferry, under one
Inspection; at Charles-Town on North-East River, under one In-
County ;
spection. In Baltimore County, at Baltimore-Town, on the West
Side of the Falls, and at Ragland Landing on Patapsco River, under
one Inspection; at Joppa, at the Ferry-Landing near the Point-House
on Gunpowder River, under one Inspection; at Otter-Point Land-
ing, near the Red Clift on Bush River, under one Inspection; at
County ;
John Loney's on Swan Creek, and at the Rock Run on Susquehanna
River, under one Inspection. In Prince George's County, at the
Head of Rock Creek, the Rolling-House which George Gordon
built, under one Inspection; at Bladensburg, on the Lot and at the
Warehouse belonging to Dr. David Ross, under one Inspection;
at Broad Creek, on the Land of Humphry Batts, and on Piscataway
Creek, at or near Richard Rawlings's Landing, under one Inspec-
tion; at Queen Anne Town on Patuxent River, under one Inspec-
tion; at Upper-Marlborough, under one Inspection; at Nottingham,
Pr. George's
County ;
and at or near Truman's Point on Patuxent River, under one In-
spection. In Queen Anne's County, on Samuel Blunt's Dwelling
Plantation, under one Inspection; at Charles Brown's Landing, and
at the Head of Courseca Creek on the Land of William Hopper,
under one Inspection; at the Church Landing near Collins's Mill,
and at Humphry Wells, junior, his Landing, under one Inspection ;
County ;
at Tuckahoe Bridge, and at Choptank Bridge, under one Inspection.
In Worcester County, at Col. Scarborough's Warehouse in Snow
hill Town, and at Major Hopkins's Warehouse in Newport Town,
under one Inspection; at Baltimore-Town on Indian River, and at
Broad Creek, on the North Side at the Wading-place, under one
County ;
And there shall be paid to the several Inspectors, to be appointed
to attend in Virtue of this Act at the said several Warehouses, the
Sallaries herein after mentioned. To each Inspector in St. Mary's
Sallaries in
St. Mary's
County ;