608 Assembly Proceedings, May 16-July 11, 1747.
to the End the same may be delivered to the chief Officer of the Cus-
toms, in such Port or Place where the said Ship shall unlade; and
the other two of the said Manifests shall, by the said Naval Officer,
be transmitted to the said chief Officer of the Customs, by the two
next convenient Opportunities.
Places for
Houses in
And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That pub-
lic Warehouses for the Inspection of Tobacco, pursuant to this Act,
shall be kept at the several Places herein after mentioned: That is
St. Mary's
County ;
to say, In the County of St. Mary's, at Chaptico, on the Land of
Philip Key, under one Inspection; at the Court-Hottse, on the Land
of Abraham Barnes, under one Inspection; at the Head of St. Mary's
River, at the usual Landing, under one Inspection; at Mr. Cole's,
at Cole's Creek, under one Inspection; at Town Creek, on the Land
County ;
belonging to Hugh Hopewell, under one Inspection. In Kent County,
at Captain Samuel Tovey's, on Gray's-Inn Creek, and at Miles Mason
Shehawn's, on Langford's Bay, under one Inspection; at Chester-
Town, and at the Widow Clannahawn's, above the Mouth of Mor-
gan's Creek on Chester River, under one Inspection; at Abraham
Falkner's at the Head of Chester River, and at George-Town on
County ;
Sassafras River, under one Inspection. In Anne Arundel County,
at Elk-Ridge Landing on Patapsco River, under one Inspection; at
Indian Landing on Severn River, and at the Ferry on the North
Side of Magathy River, under one Inspection; at Macclefish's alias
Howard's Point, on the South Side of South River, and at the
Landing commonly called Taylor's, near Kilkenny on Patuxent
River, under one Inspection; at Pig Point on Patuxent River, and
at Thomas Sprigg's Point near where the Ships lie in West River,
County ;
under one Inspection. In Calvert County, at the Head of St. Leon-
ard's Creek, under one Inspection; on the lower Side of Hunting
Creek, near Mr. Hance's Warehouse, under one Inspection; at
Lower-Marlborough, under one Inspection. In Charles County, at
Benedict-Town on Patuxent River, under one Inspection: at Piles's
Fresh, on Mrs. Jane Parnham's Land, at the Head of Wiccocomico
River, under one Inspection; at Lower Cedar-Point, on Charles
Jones's Land, under one Inspection; at the Head of Port-Tobacco
Creek, at a Place called Washtank, on the Land of William Neale,
under one Inspection; at Nanjemoy on Potowmack River, on the
Land of Richard Harrison, under one Inspection; at Mattawoman
County ;
Creek, on Benjamin Bullet's Land, under one Inspection. In Somer-
set County, at Princess Anne Town, near Monokin Bridge, and on
the Land of Thomas Maddox, below the Mouth of Back Creek,
under one Inspection; on Great Animessex, the Land of Outerbridge
Horsey, on Colebourne's Creek, at a Place called The Old Town,
and on Pocomoke Rehoboth Town, under one Inspection; on Wic-
cocomico River, at Day Scott's Warehouse near Greenhill Town,
p. 17
County ;
and at the Head of Barren Creek on Nanticoke River, on the Land
of William Brown, under one Inspection. In Talbot County, at