Acts. 607
That all Inspectors shall carefully enter in a Book, to be provided 5
and kept for that Purpose, the Marks, Numbers, Gross, Nett Weight,
and Tare of all Tobacco viewed and stamped by them as aforesaid,
and in what Ships or Vessels the same shall be laden or put on board :
And shall also with every Sloop Load, or Boat Load of Tobacco,
send a List of the Marks, Numbers, Gross, Nett Weight, and Tare,
of every Hogshead of Tobacco then delivered, to be given to the
Master of the Ship or Vessel in which the same shall be put on board.
And if the Tobacco delivered to the same Sloop or Boat, is intended
to be put on board several Ships or Vessels, then they shall deliver
so many distinct and several Lists as aforesaid of the Hogsheads to
be put on board such Ship or Vessel respectively; which Lists every
Master of a Ship or Vessel is required to produce to, and lodge
with the Naval Officer of the District where the Ship or Vessel
whereof he is Master shall ride, or by whom he shall be cleared,
some time before her Clearance. But whereas it may happen that
the Ship, in which such Tobacco was intended to be put, may be so
full as not to be able to stow all the Tobacco contained in such List ;
in such Case it shall and may be lawful to ship the said Tobacco, or
any Part thereof, on board any other Ship or Ships, where the
Owner thereof shall think fit, the Masters of such Ships indorsing
on the said Lists the Marks and Numbers of the respective Hogs-
heads by them taken on board, and giving Notice to the Inspectors
session Laws
of the Warehouse from whence the same was brought: Or if there
be no Ship to receive the said Tobacco, then it shall and may be law-
ful for the Master of the first mentioned Ship or Vessel, to put the
said Tobacco into the nearest Warehouse to the Place where such
Ship shall ride, giving immediate Notice thereof to the Inspectors
who stamped the same. And the Inspectors of that Warehouse where
such Tobacco shall be delivered, shall give a Receipt for the same,
and shall cause the said Tobacco to be safely lodged, and delivered
to the Order of the Owner thereof, whenever he or she shall think
fit to ship it off; and that without Fee or Reward.
p. 16
And be it further Enacted, That every Master of a Ship or Vessel,
wherein Tobacco shall be laden, shall, at the Time of Clearing, de-
liver to the Naval Officer three fair Manifests of all the Tobacco on
board his Ship or Vessel, expressing the Marks and Numbers of
every Hogshead, and the Tare and nett Weight, stamped thereon,
the Person by whom shipped, and from what Warehouse, and shall
make Oath, or Affirmation if a Quaker, thereto, and that the same
is a just and true Account of the Marks, Numbers, Tare, and nett
Weight of each respective Hogshead, as the same was taken down
by the Person or Persons appointed by him to take the same, before
the said Tobacco was stowed away. And no Ship or Vessel shall
be cleared by the Naval Officer, before he shall have received such
Lists and Manifests; one of which said Manifests shall, by the said
Naval Officer, be annexed to such Master's Certificate or Clearance,
Masters of
Ships to de-
liver to the
Officers 3
upon Oath
at the Time
of Clearing