606 Assembly Proceedings, May 16-July 11, 1747.
Session Laws
p. IS
aforesaid, shall be returned to the Debtor. Provided always, That
when any Person who shall be indebted for Public or County Levies,
Clergy's Dues, Parochial Charges, Officers and Attorneys Fees, shall
refuse to shew Tobacco to the Sheriff, or any other Goods or Chat-
tels, to be distrained, that then and in such Cases it shall and may
be lawful for the Sheriff to take such Person in Execution for such
Levies, Dues, Charges, and Fees. And the Sheriffs shall, before the
last Day of June yearly, pay and deliver to each Creditor, according
to their respective Debts or Claims, all the Inspectors Notes he hath
received in Satisfaction thereof: And if any Sheriff shall refuse or
delay to make Payment accordingly if required, he or they so refus-
ing or delaying shall forfeit and pay to the Party grieved double the
Value of the Tobacco, so refused and delayed to be paid, to be
recovered with Costs, if the Party Creditor only inclines to sue the
Sheriff; or otherwise, if he sues his Bond in this Case, the Creditor
shall only take his Debt, Interest, and Costs, out of the Sheriff's
Bond that shall be sued.
Tobacco re-
fused by the
to be burnt
or repick'd
And be it further Enacted, That when any Tobacco shall be
brought to any of the public Warehouses, and refused by the In-
spectors there officiating, the same shall be immediately burnt by
them, unless the Owner, or Person bringing such Tobacco, desires
to sort and separate the same, and to pick out such as is bad; in
which Case the Inspectors shall permit the same to be done, at the
Warehouse to which the said Tobacco shall be brought, without
Fee or Reward; but shall not on any Pretence suffer the said To-
bacco to be removed or carried from the said Warehouse. And the
said Inspectors shall allow one Month for separating or picking such
Tobacco; after which Time, if the same be not done, it shall be
lawful for them to burn the whole; except where the Tobacco is in
a Sweat, or where the Circumstances or Accidents of Weather may
have prevented the Handling of it, in which Case the Inspectors shall
allow such further time as they shall think reasonable. And where
any Tobacco shall be separated and picked as aforesaid, the trash
and bad Tobacco shall be burnt by the Inspectors the same Day it is
picked out, under the Penalty of forfeiting seven Shillings for every
Failure, to the Informer.
to make
good all
of their own
And if any Tobacco packed in Cask by an Overseer, or the Hands
under his Care, shall be burnt by the said Inspectors by reason of
it's being bad, unsound, or not in a good Condition, the Overseer
who had the Care of making and packing the same, shall bear the
Loss of the Tobacco so burnt, and make Satisfaction for the same,
out of his Share of the Crop, or otherwise. And the Inspectors shall
Frauds in
how to be
be obliged to keep an Account of all Tobacco so burnt.
And to the Intent the just Quantity of Tobacco exported may be
more exactly known, and all evil Practices to defraud his Majesty
of his Customs prevented, Be it Enacted by the Authority aforesaid,