Acts. 605
spective Officers; and Execution shall issue for no more than the
said Costs amount to after the said Deduction.
Session Laws
And be it Enacted, That all Tobacco Debts, which are or shall be
due from the several Counties within this Province, before the lay-
ing the next County Levies, shall be claimed and laid before the
several Justices of the respective Counties at the laying such Levies,
or shall be forfeited. Provided nevertheless, That if it shall be made
appear to the Satisfaction of such Justices, that through some Mis-
carriage, or unavoidable Accident, such Claim or Claims were not
laid before them as is before directed, that then and in such Case
the said Justices may allow such Claim or Claims in the first Levy
which shall be laid afterwards, and not otherwise.
Of Tobacco
Debts due
And, for the Ease of the Inhabitants of this Province, in the Pay-
ment of the Public and County Levies, Be it further Enacted by the
Authority aforesaid, That at the laying of every such Levy, as well
in the Year seventeen hundred and forty-eight, before this Act shall
take Place, as also at the laying of every such Levy during the Con-
tinuance of this Act, there shall be made a Deduction of one fifth
Part out of all Tobacco now due from the Public, or any County,
and from all Tobacco hereafter to become due (save Officers Fees,
as regulated by this Act), with which the Public and several Coun-
ties are chargeable, by Virtue of any Acts of Assembly of this Prov-
ince; and that it shall and may be lawful for all Persons charged
with the remaining four Fifths, and the Officers Fees regulated as
aforesaid, in such Levies, to pay the same in Money, at twelve Shil-
lings and six Pence per Cent, during the Continuance of this Act, so
as such Payments shall be made by the tenth Day of April, yearly,
and every Year.
of Fifth, to
be made at
the laying
of County
And be it Enacted, That all Lawyers Fees, which shall be paid in
Inspected Tobacco, shall be liable to the Abatement and Deduction
of one fifth Part.
And be it further Enacted, That all Public and County Levies,
Parochial Charges, and Attorneys Fees, that shall be paid in To-
bacco, Clergy's Allowances, and all Officers Fees, payable in To-
bacco, shall be paid and satisfied by the Persons chargeable with, and
indebted for the same to the respective Sheriffs by Inspectors Notes,
before the tenth Day of June yearly, during the Continuance of this
Act: And if any Person chargeable with Levies, Parochial Charges,
Clergy's Allowances, and Fees, as aforesaid, shall neglect or refuse
to pay the same within the Time aforesaid, it shall and may be law-
ful for the Sheriffs, immediately after the said tenth Day of June,
to distrain the Goods and Chattels of the Person or Persons so neg-
lecting and refusing, and to sell and dispose thereof at the Expira-
tion of five Days after Distress made, for Tobacco, at public Auction ;
all which shall be done by the said Sheriff without Fee or Reward,
and the Overplus, if any be beyond what will satisfy the Demands
All Levies,
Fees, and
to be paid
in Inspec-
tors Notes