604 Assembly Proceedings, May 16-July 11, 1747.
Session Laws
Charges, and the Allowance to the Clergy, in some Warehouse
within that Parish, if required; and all Officers and Attorneys Fees,
in some of the Warehouses within the County where the Person
shall live to whom the same shall be chargeable: And should there
happen to be any County or Parish without a Warehouse, that then
and in such Case, all the aforesaid Public and County Levies, Paro-
chial Charges, Officers and Attorneys Fees, or such Part thereof as
shall not be paid in Money, and Clergy's Allowance, shall be paid
by Inspectors Notes, at some Warehouse or Warehouses in the next
adjacent Counties. Provided always, That no Transfer Notes of
the preceding Year shall pass in any such Payment.
And be it Enacted, That at the time of laying any Public or County
Levies, there shall be levied for the Sheriff that is to collect and pay
the same, six Pounds per Centum, and no more; which the said
Sheriff is hereby impowered to regain in his own Hands.
And in Regard that it is the general Expectation, that by Means
of this Act, Tobacco will be meliorated, the Quantity undoubtedly
lessened, and the Mode of Payment much facilitated, and thereby the
Stipends of the Clergy will be made more valuable than at present ;
and that it is deemed but highly reasonable, that, in Regard this
Province will be at an Expence in carrying this Act into Execution,
to have
Pounds of
per Poll
p. 14
in which the Clergy ought to bear a Part: Be it Enacted, That during
the Continuance of this Act, the County Courts levy on the tax-
able Inhabitants of the respective Parishes, or Part of Parishes,
within their Counties, no more than thirty Pounds of Tobacco per
Poll, instead of forty Pounds of Tobacco per Poll by a former Act
directed; notwithstanding any thing in the said former Act con-
tained: And that the Clergy shall be paid by Inspectors Notes in
their respective Parishes, by the several and respective Sheriffs, if
an Inspecting Warehouse be in the Parish; otherwise at the next
adjacent Inspecting Warehouse or Warehouses to the said Parish,
where such his Parishioners have their Tobacco inspected; for which
Payment the Sheriff shall retain in his own Hands five per Cent,
and no more.
to Payers of
And be it further Enacted, That out of every hundred Pounds of
Tobacco paid in Discharge of all Officers and Attorneys Fees, and
the Public and County Levies, when paid in Tobacco, and so propor-
tionably for a greater or lesser Quantity, there shall be made an Al-
lowance or Abatement to the Payer of ten Pounds of Tobacco per
Centum, during the Continuance of this Act.
to Clerks
of Courts
for Con-
And be it further Enacted, That during the Continuance of this
Act, the Clerk or Register of every Court within this Province, in
taxing the Costs of any Judgment or Decree, obtained, or to be ob-
tained, shall deduct out of the said Costs the same Allowance for
Convenience, as shall or ought to be made and allowed to the Party
first charged with the Fees so taxed in the Bill of Costs by the re-