Acts. 603
ceipt, knowing it to be such; or export, or cause to be exported any
Hogshead, Cask, Case, Chest, Box, or other Package of Tobacco,
stamped with a forged or counterfeit Stamp; or demand Tobacco
of any Inspector upon any such forged or counterfeited Note or
Receipt, knowing such Note or Receipt, or such Stamp to be forged
or counterfeited; or shall put or pack into any Hogshead, Cask, or
Case of Tobacco, stamped by any Inspector, any Tobacco whatso-
ever, or shall draw or take out any Stave, Plank, or Heading-board
of any Hogshead, Cask, or Case of Tobacco, after such Hogshead,
Cask, or Case of Tobacco shall be delivered out from any of the
public Warehouses aforesaid; every Person so offending, and being
thereof convicted by due Course of Law, shall be adjudged a Felon,
and shall suffer as in Case of Felony.
Session Laws
p. 13
And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That if any
Inspectors Notes or Receipts be casually lost, mislaid, or destroyed,
the Person or Persons intitled to receive the Tobacco by Virtue of
any such Note or Receipt, shall make Oath, or Affirmation if a
Quaker, before a Justice of the Peace of the County where the same
is payable, to the Number or Date of every such Note or Receipt,
to whom and where payable, and for what Quantity of Tobacco the
same was given, and that such Note or Receipt is lost, mislaid, or
destroyed, and that he, she, or they, at the time such Note or Receipt
was lost, mislaid, or destroyed, was lawfully intitled to receive the
Tobacco therein mentioned; and shall take a Certificate thereof from
such Justice: And upon producing a Certificate of such Oath or
Affirmation to the Inspectors who signed such Note or Receipt, and
lodging the same with them, the said Inspectors shall, and are hereby
directed to pay and deliver to the Person obtaining such Certificate,
the Tobacco for which any such Notes or Receipts were given (if
the same, or any Part thereof, shall not have been before by them
paid, by Virtue of the said Notes or Receipts) , and shall be thereby
discharged from all Actions, Suits, and Demands, on Account of
such Notes or Receipts. And if any Person shall be convicted of
making a false Oath or Affirmation, or producing a forged Certifi-
cate, in the Case aforesaid, he shall forfeit and pay thirty Shillings
for every hundred Pounds Weight of Tobacco contained in such
Certificate, and so in Proportion for a less Quantity; and moreover,
upon Conviction in any Court of Record, shall suffer as in Case of
wilful and corrupt Perjury.
Of Notes
lost, mislaid,
or destroyed
And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That all
Tobacco due, or to grow due and payable, for Public and County
Levies, Parochial Charges, and all Officers and Attorneys Fees, which
shall not be discharged and paid in Money, as by the Paper-Currency
Act, or this Act, is directed, the Allowance to the Clergy hereby
settled shall be paid and discharged in the following Manner; That
is to say, The Public and County Levies, in any of the Warehouses
within the County on which the same shall be levied; Parochial
Public and
and Officers
Fees, how
to be paid