602 Assembly Proceedings, May 16-July 11, 1747.
Session Laws
Notes do not exceed six hundred Pounds of Tobacco, the double
Value aforesaid shall and may be recovered before any Justice of
the Peace of the County wherein the Warehouse shall be, at which
the Note or Notes ought to be paid.
And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That all
Tobacco brought to any of the said Warehouses in Hogsheads,
Charge of
Tobacco for
Casks, or Cases, to be exported on Account and for the Use of the
Owner thereof, after the same shall have been viewed, examined,
and weighed, and found to be good, shall be stamped as herein before
directed: And the said Inspectors, or one of them, shall deliver to
the Person bringing the same, as many Receipts signed as aforesaid,
as shall be required for the Number of Hogsheads so brought and
stamped. And for every Hogshead, Cask, or Case, brought to any
of the said Warehouses to be exported, on Account and for the Use
of the Owners thereof, there shall be paid to the Inspectors there
attending, four Shillings, for viewing, examining, and stamping the
same; and the Owners of the said Tobacco shall find and provide
Nails for the nailing thereof.
No Debt or
Duty pay-
able in
Tobacco to
be paid
than in
And be it further Enacted, That during the Continuance of this
Act, no Tender of any Debt or Duty payable in Tobacco shall be
accounted lawful, unless Payment of the same shall be tendered in
Inspectors Notes or Receipts. Provided always, That every Person
or Persons indebted now, or who shall be indebted to any Person or
Persons whatsoever, before the first Day of December, one thou-
sand seven hundred and forty-eight, it shall and may be lawful for
such Person or Persons to pay and discharge such Debt or Debts
in the Tobacco made at any Time before the first Day of December,
one thousand seven hundred and forty-seven, and that such Payment
or Tender made shall be good in Law against the Creditor or Credi-
tors of such Debtor or Debtors as aforesaid; any Thing in this Act
to the contrary notwithstanding.
And for restraining the undue Practice of mixing Trash with
of Hogs-
stemmed Tobacco, and preventing the packing Tobacco in unsizeable
Casks, Be it Enacted and Declared, That all stemmed Tobacco not
laid streight, whether the same be packed loose or in Bundles; and
all Tobacco packed in Hogsheads which exceed forty-eight Inches
in the Length of the Stave, and seventy Inches in the whole Diame-
ters within the Staves at the Croze and Bulge, shall be accounted
unlawful Tobacco, and shall not be passed or received: But the
Owner of such Tobacco packed in Casks of greater Dimensions than
before expressed, shall be obliged to repack the same in sizeable
of Persons
forgring or
Stamps or
Cask, at his own Cost and Charge, before the same shall be stamped
by the said Inspectors.
And be it further Enacted, That if any Person whatsoever shall
forge or counterfeit the Stamp, Note, or Receipt, of any Inspector,
or tender in Payment any such forged or couterfeited Note or Re-