Acts. 601
ing to the Directions of this Act, shall be obliged to deliver to the
Person bringing the same, as many promiseary Notes, under the
Hands of the said Inspectors, as shall be required, for the full Quan-
tity of Tobacco received by them, in which shall be expressed whether
Session Laws
the Tobacco so received be Stemmed, Leaf or Coloured; which Notes
shall, and are hereby declared to be current in all Tobacco-Payments
whatsoever, in the County where the Tobacco shall be inspected,
according to the Species expressed in the Note, and shall be trans-
ferrable from one to another in all such Payments (except as herein
is excepted), and shall be paid and satisfied by the Inspector, or
Inspectors, who signed the same, upon Demand: And for every
Hogshead of Tobacco brought to any public Warehouse, for the
Discharge of any public or private Debt, in good Cask, of such
Dimensions as' herein after expressed, there shall be allowed by the
Inspector thereof, to the Person bringing the same, after the Rate
of four Pounds of Tobacco for every hundred Pounds the Tobacco
therein contained shall weigh, after the same shall be viewed and
passed, so as such Allowance does not exceed forty Pounds of To-
bacco for each Hogshead. And the said Inspectors shall, and they
are hereby obliged to make every Hogshead by them paid away, in
Discharge of any Note by them given as aforesaid, to contain nine
hundred and fifty Pounds of nett Tobacco at the least, exclusive of
the Allowance for the Cask; And for every such Hogshead of To-
bacco by them paid away, well lined and nailed fit for shipping, there
shall be paid by the Person receiving such Hogshead seven Shillings
Which shall
pass Cur-
rent in pay-
ment of all
Debts, and
be trans-
for Inspecting, and six Pence for Nails; which said Sum of six
Pence the said Inspectors shall and may retain in their Hands for
their own Use, to reimburse them the Expence of providing Nails :
And the Person demanding or receiving Tobacco in Discharge of
Notes as aforesaid, shall allow to the Inspectors four Pounds of To-
bacco per Centum, not exceeding forty Pounds of Tobacco for each
Hogshead so received, for the Cask, and two Pounds of Tobacco for
every hundred Pounds of Tobacco contained in such Notes; and so
proportionably for a greater or lesser Quantity, for Shrinkage and
Wasting, if the said Tobacco be paid at any time within two Months
after the Date of the Note given for the same; and one Pound of
Tobacco for every hundred, for every Month the same shall be un-
p. 12
paid after the said Allowance; so as such Allowance for Shrinkage
and Wasting do not exceed, in the whole, six Pounds of Tobacco
for every hundred. And if any Inspector or Inspectors, by whom
any such Notes for Tobacco, as aforesaid, shall be signed, shall re-
fuse or delay to pay and satisfy the same when demanded, every
Inspector so refusing or delaying shall forfeit and pay to the Party
injured double the Value of the Tobacco so refused or delayed to be
paid; to be recovered with Costs in any Court of Record within this
Province, if the Note or Notes so refused or delayed to be paid
exceed six hundred Pounds of Tobacco; and if the said Note or
not to delay
Payment of
the Notes by
them given