598 Assembly Proceedings, May 16-July 11, 1747.
Session Laws
Bulk or Parcel, contrary to the Directions of this Act, the Owner
of such Servant shall forfeit and pay the like Sum of thirty Shillings,
for every hundred Pounds Weight of such Tobacco, and so in pro-
portion for a greater or less Quantity, so taken or received on board,
in Bulk or Parcel; and shall also forfeit and pay seven Shillings and
sixpence for every Day such Servant shall thereafter be employed as
Skipper, or Master, of any Sloop, Boat, or other Vessel, to him be-
longing; to be recovered and applied as aforesaid.
Provided always, That nothing herein before contained shall be
construed to prohibit any Person from carrying, or causing to be
carried to the said Warehouses, in any Boat, or other Vessel, any
Tobacco in Bulk or Parcels, for the Payment of his or her Levies,
Debts, or other Duties; nor to prohibit any Person to put or take
on board any Sloop, Boat, or other Vessel, any Hogsheads, Casks,
or Cases of Tobacco to be Water-born to any Warehouse or Ware-
houses appointed by this Act, so as the same be not carried out of
the Naval Officer's District, wherein the said Tobacco shall be
made; nor to prohibit the Owner of any Tobacco to transport his
Crops, or any Part thereof, in Hogsheads, Casks, or Cases, from
one Place to another, for the better handling and managing thereof ;
nor any Purchaser of Tobacco, from bringing the same by Water,
to be repacked, sorted, stemmed, or prized, before the same be car-
ried to the said Warehouses, so as such last mentioned Tobacco be
packed in Hogsheads, Casks, or Cases.
And be it further Enacted, That if the Skipper of any Sloop,
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Boat, or other Vessel, or other Person or Persons, to whom the
Care and Management thereof shall be intrusted, shall land or put
No Tobacco
to be landed
but at public,
warehouses ;
nor to be
taken out of
Cask by any
Skipper, &c.
on Shore any Hogshead. Cask, or Case of Tobacco, put on hoard
the same, to be carried to any public Warehouse, at any other Place
or Places than the Warehouse or Warehouses by this Act appointed
for the Reception and Inspection of Tobacco, or at some, or one of
them, or the Wharffs or other Landing to such Warehouse or Ware-
houses belonging; or shall put the same on board any other Vessel,
or suffer the same to be done, so as the same be not delivered at
some of the said public Warehouses without Fraud or Imbezzle-
ment; or shall open any Hogshead, Cask, or Case of Tobacco, so as
aforesaid water-born and landed, and take thereout any Tobacco,
before the same be viewed by the said Inspectors, according to the
Directions of this Act; or after the same has been viewed, shall
fraudulently open any Hogshead, Cask, or Case, and take thereout
any Tobacco; every such Offence shall be adjudged Felony, and the
Offender or Offenders shall suffer by Whipping and Pillorying, and
paying Fourfold, as in case of Felony.
Provided always, That nothing herein before contained shall be
construed to prohibit the Landing or putting on Shore any Hogs-
head, Cask, or Case of Tobacco, out of any Sloop, Boat, or other
Vessel, which, by Distress of Weather, shall be forced on Ground,