Acts. 599
or become leaky, so as such Landing be really, and bona fide, for the
Preservation of the Tobacco laden in such Vessel; and that the same
be, with all convenient Speed, carried thereafter to the Warehouse,
or Ship (as the case shall be), to which it was designed, without
Provided also, That if by any of the accidents aforesaid, or Negli-
gence of the Master, or Skipper, of any Vessel, any Tobacco which
hath been viewed and stamped, shall, in it's Carriage to the Ship, in
which it is intended to be exported, receive so much Damage, as that
the Master of such Ship will not receive it on board, every Hogs-
head, Cask, or Case of Tobacco, so damnified, shall, with all con-
venient Speed, be carried to some Warehouse appointed by this Act,
and there lodged, until the Owner of the said Tobacco, or Master
of the Vessel, in which it was damaged, shall have separated the
same, and repacked the good Tobacco; and then the same shall be
viewed and stamped by the Inspectors attending such Warehouse,
without Fee or Reward.
Provided always, That every Person appointed, or to be appointed
an Inspector by Virtue of this Act, shall, before he enters upon the
Session Laws
Execution of the said Office, enter into Bond, with good Surety,
in the Penalty of three hundred Pounds current Money, payable to
the Lord Proprietary, his Heirs and Successors, with Condition, for
the true and faithful Performance of his Duty, according to the
Directions of this Act; and shall also take the following Oath, or
Affirmation if a Quaker, that is to say, " You shall swear, (or af-
" firm, ) that you will diligently and carefully view and examine all
" Tobacco brought to any public Warehouse or Warehouses, where
" you are appointed to be Inspector, and all other Tobacco which
" you shall be called upon to view and inspect; and that you will not
" receive any Tobacco that is not, in your Judgment, sound, well-
to give
Bond, with
Sureties, for
the due
of their
" conditioned, merchantable, and clear of Trash; nor receive, pass,
" or stamp any Tobacco, or Hogshead, Cask, or Case of Tobacco,
" prohibited by one Act of Assembly entituled, An Act for amend-
" ing the Staple of Tobacco, for preventing Frauds in his Majesty's
" Customs, and for the Limitation of Officers Fees; and that you
" will in all Things well and faithfully discharge your Duty in the
" Office of an Inspector, according to the best of your Skill and
" Judgment, and according to the Directions of the said Act, without
" Fear, Favour, Affection, Malice, or Partiality: So help you God."
Which Oath, or Affirmation, shall and may be taken before any one
Justice of the Peace for the County where the Inspector shall offi-
ciate; and by such Justice certified to the Vestrymen and Church-
wardens of the Parish, and an Entry made in the Book which the
said Vestry are obliged to keep by this Act. And if any Person shall
presume to execute the Office of an Inspector, before he has given
such Bond and taken such Oath or Affirmation as aforesaid, as
also the Oaths or Affirmation prescribed by Law to be taken to the
The Oath