Acts. 597
public Warehouses herein after mentioned; or any Hogshead, Cask,
or Case of Tobacco, not stamped by some lawful Inspector; or shall
suffer to be brought on board any Tobacco, except in Hogsheads,
Casks, or Cases, stamped as aforesaid; every such Master and Com-
mander shall forfeit and pay thirty Pounds current Money for every
Hogshead, Cask, or Case of Tobacco, which shall not have been
brought from one of the said public Warehouses, or which shall not
be stamped as aforesaid; except as by this Act is excepted: And
moreover, every such Hogshead, Cask, or Case of Tobacco shall be
P. 9
And forasmuch as the permitting Tobacco in Bulk or Parcels to
be water-born, on Pretence of being carried to the Warehouses estab-
lished by this Act, may give great Opportunity to the clandestine
running the same on board the Ships lying at or near the said Ware-
houses; whereby the Evil of exporting Trash Tobacco may be still
continued: Be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That
if any Person, taking upon himself to carry any Tobacco to or from
any of the said Warehouses, in his Sloop, Boat, or other Vessel, for
Hire, shall presume to take on board, or permit or suffer to be taken
on board, any Tobacco whatsoever, in Bulk or Parcels, such Tobacco
shall not only be forfeited, and may be seized by any Person or
Persons whatsoever, but such Master or Skipper offending herein
shall forfeit and pay thirty Shillings for every hundred Pounds
Weight of such Tobacco; and so proportionably for a greater or
lesser Quantity. And the Master or Commander of any Ship or
Vessel, wherein any Tobacco in Bulk or Parcels shall be found, shall,
over and above the Forfeiture thereof, be subject and liable to the
same Penalty; to be recovered, if it doth not exceed seven Pounds
ten Shillings current Money, before any three Justices of the Peace
of any County, near the Place where such Ship, Sloop, Boat, or
other Vessel, shall lie: And if it exceeds seven Pounds ten Shillings,
in any Court of Record, by Action of Debt, wherein the Plaintiff
No Tobacco
to be taken
on board
any Vessel
in Bulk or
shall recover Costs. And every Servant, Slave, or other Person,
employed in navigating any such Sloop, Boat, or other Vessel, who
shall connive at, or conceal the taking or receiving on board any
Tobacco, in Bulk or Parcel, as aforesaid, shall, by order of any one
Justice, receive on his bare Back thirty-nine Lashes, well laid on.
And if such Sloop, Boat, or other Vessel, be under the Care and
Management of a Servant, who cannot satisfy and pay the said
Penalty; then such Servant, and every other Person employed under
him, who shall be guilty of conniving at, or concealing the taking on
board Tobacco, in Bulk or Parcel, as aforesaid, shall, upon Com-
plaint thereof made to any Justice of the Peace, have and receive,
by Order of the said Justice, thirty-nine Lashes, well laid on. And
if such Servant shall be again trusted with the Care and Management
of any Sloop, Boat, or other Vessel, and shall be convicted a second
Time, of taking or receiving on board the same any Tobacco, in
of Persons
conniving at
the taking
on board