L. H. J.
Liber No. 34
Samuel Chamberlaine Esqr from the Upper House, delivers to
Mr Speaker the Journal of Accounts, indors'd "July 11, 1747:
Read and assented to by the Upper House of Assembly
Signed per Order. J Ross G. Up Ho.
Sent by Mr Lloyd, and Mr Richard Gresham
Daniel Dulany Esqr from the Upper House, delivers to Mr Speaker
the following Message, (See page 500)
The following Message, (See page 500)
Was sent to the Upper House by the Gentlemen of the Committee
of Accounts.
The Governor communicates to Mr Speaker the following answer.
Gentlemen of the Lower House of Assembly.
In Answer to your Address of this Day, I will give directions to
the Attorney General to put the Bonds you mention, in Suit, as you
desire Sam. Ogle
Co} Tasker from the Upper House, delivers to Mr Speaker the
following Message, ( See page 500)
p. 736
A Bill, entituled An Act for the Assessment and payment of the
Public Charge of this Province; was Read the ffirst and second time
by an especial order, and will pass; and was sent to the Upper House
by Major Sheredine and Col. Henry.
Col Hammond from the Upper House, delivers to Mr Speaker
the Bill, entituled An Act for the Assessment and payment of the
Public Charge of this province, Indors'd. By the Upper House of
Assembly, July 11, 1747. Read the first and second time by an
especial order and will pass.
Signed per Order J Ross G. Up. Ho.
Which Bill was Read here, and passed for Ingrossing
Col. Hooper, from the Committee of Laws, delivers to Mr Speaker
an Ingrossed Bill, entituled An Act for Assessment and payment
of the Public Charge of this Province; which was Read and Assented
to, and sent to the Upper House, with the paper Bill, by Mr Richard
Gresham, and Capt. Handy
Samuel Chamberlaine Esqr from the Upper House, delivers to
Mr Speaker the Paper Bill, entituled an Act for the Assessment and
payment of the Public Charge of this Province, Indors'd, By the
Upper House of Assembly, July 11. 1747; the Ingrossed Bill whereof
this is the original, is Read and Assented to.
Signed p Order, J Ross G Up Ho.
Mr Lloyd and Mr Dulany, were sent to acquaint his Excellency
the Governor, that no public business is now before this House to
Edmund Jenings Esqr and Col. Tasker, from the Upper House,
Acquaint Mr Speaker, that the Governor requires the Attendance of
the Lower House in the Upper House