And Journal of Accounts.
On Reading the said Message the Question was put, Whether the
Quantum of the ffees to the Secretary, Chancellor, and proposed to
be allowed by the aforegoing Message, shall be allowed to be made
in the Journal of Accounts or not ? The House being Divided on the
Question, the same was determined by the Honourable Speaker, in
the Affirmative.
For the Affirmative
Mr Key Mr King Mr George
Barnes Dashiel Bayard
Mills Handy Gordon
J. Gresham R. I. Henry Dulany
R. Gresham Thomas Scarborough
Harris Hooper
Harrison Ennalls
For the Negative
Mr Bond Mr Wilkinson Mr Stoddert
Willson Lloyd Addison
Henry Hall Hyland Tilghman
Carroll Sheredine Hopper
Worthington Paca I. Henry
Smith John Hall
Smallwood Wootton
Col. Lloyd from the Upper House, delivers to Mr Speaker all the
paper Bills; the Ingrossed Bills of which were Severally Read and
Assented to by both Houses. The following message (See page 500)
Was sent by Col. Hooper, and Col. Dashiel