W Speaker left the Chair, and attended by the members of the
Lower House, went to the Upper House; where he presented to his
Excellency the Governor, the following Ingrossed Bills. (See page
L. H. J.
Liber No. 34
All which his Excellency the Governor passed into Laws, by
Sealing them with the Re Hon. the Lord Proprietary his Great Seal
at Arms and Indorsing them Severally thus: On behalf of the
Rt Hon. the Lord Proprietary of this province, I will this be a Law.
Sam. Ogle
His Excellency made the following Speech, (See page 504)
So endeth this Session of Assembly, this Eleventh Day of July,
in the Thirty Third year of the Dominion of the Right Honourable
Charles Absolute Lord and Proprietary of the Province of Mary-
land and Avalon Lord Baron of Baltimore &c. And in the year of
Our Lord 1747. Test. M Macnemara Cl. Lo. Ho.
p. 737