Liber No. 34
Upper House of Assembly July 11th 1747. Read the ffirst and
second time by especial Order, and will pass.
Signed per Order J Ross Cl. Up. Ho.
Which Bill was Read here, and passed for Ingrossing.
Samuel Chamberlaine Esqr from the Upper House, delivers Mr
Speaker the Bill, entituled An Act to prevent the Sale of any of the
parishes within this province.
P- 734
And the Bill, entituled An Act for Issuing Writs of Replevin out
of the County Courts of this province; Severally Indorsed. " By
the Upper House of Assembly, July 11th 1747. Read the second time
and will not pass."
Col. Hammond from the Upper House, delivers Mr Speaker the
Bill entituled, An Act for publication of the Laws &c. Indors'd
" By the Upper House of Assembly July 11, 1747. Read the ffirst
and second time by an especial order and will pass
Signed per Order, J Ross Cl Up. Ho.
Which Bill was here Read and passed for Ingrossing
An Ingross'd Bill, entituled an Act ascertaining the Gauge and
Tare of Tobacco Hogsheads &c. And an Ingross'd Bill entituled An
Act for raising Three Half pence &c. Severally Read and Assented
to, and sent to the Upper House with the paper Bills by Capt Ennalls
and Cap* Bond
Edmund Jennings Esqr from the Upper House, delivers Mr
Speaker the following Message (See page 498)
And Journal of Accounts
The House adjourns 'til 2 of the Clock
Post Meridiem
The House met according to Adjournment &c.
On Consideration of the Message of this Day, by Edmund Jenings
Esqr the House doth not agree to the allowances therein mentioned
to be made.
Thereupon the Question was put, Whether the following Message,
(See page 499)
Shall be sent to the Upper House, with the Journal of Accounts,
or not Resolved in the Affirmative.
For the Affirmative
Mr Key Mr Harrison Mr Ennalls
Barnes Wilkinson George
Bond King Bayard
Mills Dashiel Gordon
I. Gresham Handy Dulany
R. Gresham R. I. Henry Scarborough
Harris Thomas
Smallwood Hooper