The Lower House. 537
said Morgan Murray, to William Barney, in the words following
viz. June the 1 Day 1723, Receive of William Barney in ful of all
Account Bils Bonds and Nots whatsoever hath bin past one ac-
count of One Hundred and fifty acres of Land I say Receive per me
Simon Person Morgan Murray -O-
We further find the Deposition of Henry Satyr, taken the 26th
of June 1747, before Samuel Owings, one of the Justices of Balti-
more County, wherein he makes Oath, That to the best of his
knowledge, a certain Tract of Land, called Morgan's Delight,
which was Conveyed to Mary Stevenson and Elizabeth Barney,
and her Heirs, was fully paid for; and knows of no further Demand
being made for the said Land, these Twenty years, or more. All
which is most humbly submitted to the Consideration of your
Honourable House. Signed per Order. Wm Wilkins, Clerk.
On reading the Report aforesaid, the House concurs therewith,
and Leave is given to William Barney the petitioner therein named
to bring in a Bill.
Mr Lloyd from the Committee of Laws, delivers to Mr Speaker
a Bill, entituled An Act for amending the Staple of Tobacco, for
preventing frauds in his Majestys Customs, and for the Limita-
tion of Officers ffees.
The House Adjourns until Monday Morning 9 of the Clock.
L. H. J.
Liber No. 46
Monday Morning June 15. 1747
The House met according to adjournment, &c.
On Motion of a Member, for Leave to bring in a Bill, to Im-
power the Governor and Council to hear and Address certain Evils
and abuses therein to be mentioned; Leave is given: Ordered, That
June 15
Col. Dashiel, Mr Smith, and Mr Harris, do prepare and bring in a
Bill accordingly.
On Motion of a Member, that an Address be prepared to his
Excellency, relating to the Arms furnished to the Soldiers on the
Canada Expedition, Ordered, That the Committee of Laws pre-
pare and bring in the same.
On Motion of a Member, for Leave to bring in a Supplementary
Bill to the Act for laying out the Town anew, commonly called
Snow Hill Town, in Somerset County; Leave is given. Ordered,
That Cot. Hooper, Col. Scarborough, and Col Henry prepare and
bring in a Bill accordingly.
Ordered, That the Serjeant at Arms do summon Mr William
Thornton, Sheriff of Anne Arundel County to attend at the Bar of
this House, to answer the Complaint of ffrancis Woolf, a prisoner
in his Custody, for severe and rigorous usage.
p. 704