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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1745-1747
Volume 44, Page 536   View pdf image (33K)
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536 Assembly Proceedings, May 16-July 11, 1747.

L. H. J.
Liber No. 46

Ordered, That the Committee of Laws do prepare and bring in
a Bill, to repair the Public and County Goal in the City of Annapolis.
Ordered, That the Journal of Accounts be closed on Wednesday
The House adjourns 'til Two of the Clock.

Post Meridiem

The House met according to adjournment
A Bill entituled, An Act to Remedy some Proceedings in the Court
of Charles County, and to prevent the Removal of the Records from
the Public Offices, was read the first time, and Ordered to lie on the
The House adjourns 'til To Morrow Morning 9 of the Clock.

June 13

Saturday Morning, June 13. 1747

The House met according to adjournment &c.
The Bill entituled, An Act to remedy some proceedings in the
Court of Charles County, &c. was read the second time, and will
pass; and was sent to the Upper House by Messrs Smallwood and
Philip Thomas Esqr from the Upper House, delivers to Mr
Speaker a petition of William Barney, of Baltimore County, referred
by the Upper House, to the Consideration of the Lower House;
which petition being here read, Col Dashiel, Dr Buchanan, and
Mr Pearce, are appointed a Committee to enquire into the allega-
tions of the said petition, and to make report thereof.
Dr Buchanan, from the Committee appointed to enquire into the
allegations contained in the petition of William Barney, delivers to
Mr Speaker the following Report, viz.
By the Committee appointed by the Honourable the Lower House
of Assembly, to enquire into the Truth of the facts set forth in the
petition of William Barney; June 13. 1747
Your Committee, upon Enquiry into the ffacts aforesaid, do find
a Deed of Bargain and Sale from Morgan Murray to Mary
Stevenson bearing Date the 15th Day of January 1717, for the
Moiety of a Tract of Land, called Morgans Delight, containing
150 acres; which Deed was acknowledged the same Day, before
Peter Bond, and John Israel, said to be Two of the Justices of Bal-
timore County, but not recorded. We also find a Deed of Gift from
Mary Stevenson, of Baltimore County, to Elizabeth Barney, her
Heirs and Assigns, Dated the 16th Day of January 1717, for the
same Land, and acknowledged the same Day before the same Two
Justices, but not Recorded. We likewise find a Receipt from the

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1745-1747
Volume 44, Page 536   View pdf image (33K)
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