532 Assembly Proceedings, May 16-July 11, 1747.
L. H. J.
Liber No. 46
By the Committee of Accounts, June 9. 1747
In pursuance of an Order of the Lower House of Assembly, to
settle Sundry frees, arising due to the officers of that House and
Sundry witnesses for attendance, on a Complaint made there against
Henry Brook, ffarmer of his Lordship's Quit Rents in Charles
County, and Samuel Hanson, Sheriff of said County; we have pro-
:eeded to tax the same in manner following.
To the Clerk ffor 7 Summons's at 3/
1 — 01 — 0
To the Serjeant ffor serving 7 summons's
ffor Cash paid by him to a Messenger to
| 2..10..0
Chas. Co
ffor 2 Commitments at 4/ 0..08 — 0
To William Eilbeck for 3 Days attendance and 8 Days
itinerant Charges, in coming and going twice to
and from Charles County at 5/
To Robert Haselop, for same Attendance, and itinerant
To John Blanchett, for 2 Days Attendance, and 4 Ditto
itinerant Charges
To Edward Browner for 1 Ditto, and 4 Ditto
1.. 5..0
To Dennis Dowing for 1 Ditto and 4 Do
1.. 5..0
To Augustine Ward for 1 Ditto and 4 Ditto
1.. 5..0
To John Delozer for 1 Ditto and 4 Ditto
1.. 5..0
£17.. 0..0