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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1745-1747
Volume 44, Page 531   View pdf image (33K)
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The Lower House. 531

Monday June 8. 1747

The House met &c. All present as on Saturday, except Capt.
Addison, Mr John Gresham, and Mr Richard Gresham. Mr Thomas,
Mr John Goldsborough, Major Barnes, Col. Hall, and Mr Paca,
appeared in the House.
The House Adjourns until To Morrow Morning 9 of the Clock

Liber No. 46
June 8

Tuesday Morning June 9. 1747

The House met &c.
Mr Brooks, farmer of the Quit Rents for Charles County, and
Mr Hanson Sheriff of the said County, attended in pursuance of
the Order of this House, and those Gentlemen being heard at the
Bar in their own Defence, on the Complaint Reported by the Com-
mittee of Grievances; on Consideration thereof the Serjeant at Arms
is Ordered to take Mr Brooks and Mr Samuel Hanson into his
Resolved, That Mr Henry Brooks, as ffarmer of the Quit Rents,
for Charles County, and Mr Samuel Hanson, as Sheriff of the said
County, have been guilty of great oppression, and have acted con-
trary to Law.
Resolved, That an address to the Governor, on the Matter con-
tained in the Report aforesaid, be prepared.
Ordered, That the Committee of Laws prepare and bring in such
Ordered, That the Committee of Accounts settle the ffees arising
Due to the Officers of this House and the Charges to be allowed to
the witnesses attending on Summons's Issued on the Complaint of
the said Robert Haselop, Reported by the Committee of Grievances.
Samuel Chamberlaine Esqr from the Upper House, delivers to
Mr Speaker a petition of the Vestry and Church wardens of All
Saints parish, in the back parts of Prince Georges County; a petition
of the Magistrates and others in St. Marys County; a petition of
the Rector, Vestrymen, and Churchwardens of St Anne's parish, in
Anne Arundel County; a petition of George Plater Esqr and Eliza-
beth Calvert, an Infant, by Onorio Razolini her next ffriend; and
a petition of Thomas Hussey Luckett, Jeremiah Adderton and Ann
his wife: which said petitions were severally referred by the Upper
House, to the Consideration of the Lower House.
The petition of the Magistrates and others in St. Marys County,
praying Leave to bring in a Bill to convert the school house, formerly
built by the visitors of said County, into a work house, was here read
and rejected.
Mr Worthington from the Committee of Accounts delivers to
Mr Speaker the following Report, viz.

June 9

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1745-1747
Volume 44, Page 531   View pdf image (33K)
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