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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1745-1747
Volume 44, Page 530   View pdf image (33K)
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530 Assembly Proceedings, May 16-July 11, 1747.

Liber No. 46

nature of the Bond which this Deponent drew as aforesaid, before
he the said Chase executed the same. And that this Deponent did
not at any time whatever, tell the said Chase, that he this Deponent
was desired to Draw a Bond of Resignation for the said Chase to
Execute; or that a Bond of Resignation, was the Condition on
which the said Chase was to have the said parish, or to any such
purpose. And this Deponent further saith, That he was no ways
privy to the other Transactions and Matters alledged in the petition
of the said Chase to the Honourable the House of Assembly
Sworn this first Day of June, Before Robert Gordon
Edm. Jenings

No 4 John Raitt, being sworn on the Holy Evangelists of Al-
mighty God, deposeth and saith, That he was a witness to a Bond
executed by the Rev. Mr Chase, for the payment of Twenty six
Thousand pounds of Tobacco, to Mrs Bourdillion; and that to the
best of his knowledge, at the time he came into the Room, in order
to be such witness, Mr Jenings was Reading the said Bond to Mr
Chase John Bullen

Taken and Sworn to, before me, this first Day of June 1747
On Reading the Report aforesaid, the Consideration thereof is
referred to Wednesday next.
On motion of a member, That a Bill be brought in to prevent the
Evils occasioned by taking Judgment Bonds, and entring up Judg-
ments thereon, in the manner as hath been lately practised within
this province; Leave is given: Ordered, That the Committee of
Laws prepare and bring in a Bill accordingly.
The House Adjourns 'til to Morrow Morning 9 of the Clock.

June 6

Saturday Morning, June 6. 1747

The House met according to adjournment, &c.
Mr Tilghman, Mr Lloyd, Capt Addison, have Leave of the House
to go home

Mr Isaac Handy, a Delegate returned to serve in this Assembly
for Somerset County, appeared in the House.
Col. King and Col. Dashiel were sent with the said Gentleman to
the Upper House to see him Qualified: They return, and acquaint
Mr Speaker they saw him qualified, by taking the several Oaths to
the Government required by Law, signing the Oath of abjurating,
and repeating and signing the Test.

p. 700

The Gentlemen took his seat in the House
The House Adjourns 'til Monday Morning 9 of the Clock.

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1745-1747
Volume 44, Page 530   View pdf image (33K)
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